American missionaries stuck in Haiti due to riots

The missionaries in Haiti had to flee, since the streets broke out riots. Way back home in the US closed for many volunteers, but, despite the unrest, the missionaries continued to trust in God.

Prayers of faith and strong arms after a terrible ordeal that survived the missionaries. This is just one of the few groups who managed to finally return to the U.S. to escape from a dangerous protests in Haiti.

“I’m happy to be back home, I’m glad to be safe. Surprisingly, I’m home. All so excited,” says Jacob Wesley, the Church “Woodlend Community” .

But for those missionaries who remained in Haiti, all very different. Armed insurgents flooded the streets, starting fires, looting stores and blocking major roads in the capital Port-AU-Prince — all this is a reaction to the soaring prices of fuel in their country. The Department of state urges U.S. citizens stuck in Haiti to be especially cautious. But despite the threat to life, many missionaries find comfort knowing that God is with them.

“At such moments, it is very important to trust God. Someone will say, “Well, Yes, of course…” But in the Bible we find a verse that exactly match our situation. “The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent”, — says Jim, Greg, the pastor of the Church “Mission”.

On the other hand some are happy that they have a few days to preach in Haiti.

“They serve in churches, in worship. They serve as doctors and educators. We really do have an impact on this country. Haiti is an incredibly poor country with one of the worst economies in the world,” says Gary Fulton, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, “White memorial”.

Back in the US, the missionaries do not plan to stay there for long.

“We made friends with many Haitians. When they ask, “will we go back?” we answer: “of Course!” says Justin Warnes, Director of discipleship Church, Kensington.

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