Since nineteen sixty-seventh year, the world calls on Israel to return land it captured in the six day war in exchange for peace. But it is unacceptable for those who believe that God gave this land to the Jewish people as part of their divine heritage.

Most of the world calls these playgrounds on which children play, obstacles to peace. This is because they are in Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank.
Is here and now is coming true prophecy, and this is due to the 1967 war?

“Without a doubt. In fact it says that again will we hear the cries of children playing on the streets. Here, you can hear and see,” says the former mayor of Shiloh David Rubin from children’s Fund “Shiloh Israel.”

In Shiloh overlook on the Road of the patriarchs — it was able to walk Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Rubin said that the six day war played a decisive role in Israel’s history. It has enabled the Jewish people after two thousand years of exile to re-possess the land, which, according to the Bible, is its heart. Places such as Jerusalem, where there were both temples of the Jews; Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus; Hebron, the burial place Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives; and Shiloh, where the 369 years the tabernacle stood, all of them back in the hands of Israel.
The six day war of 1967, he sees as a prophetic rod in time and history.

“As stated in the book of Ezekiel, therefore, gathered together the dry bones. Israel reunited as a nation. If we do not have the right to awl if we do not have the right to Shechem, and we have no right to Beth-El and Jericho, we certainly have no right to tel Aviv,” he says.

But not everyone saw the opportunity. Only in 1978 appeared willing to base awl — just above the place where the tabernacle.

“Some Israelites have come here and pitched tents on the lower hills of Shiloh, the Israeli Prime Minister, who acted with an eye to the American President, sent troops to expel them out of here,” says David Rubin.

A few months after the six day war, the Israelis established the first Jewish community in Judea, about 35 miles South of Shiloh, in Kfar Etzion. The Jews lived there before the war of independence of Israel in 1948 and were either evacuated or destroyed by the Jordanians.

“A group of orphans whose parents were murdered, said Israeli authorities: “If you don’t give us permission, we will stay there without him.” The government could not resist the orphans of those killed. And was founded Kfar Etzion,” says Rabbi Eliezer Waldman. He was one of those who helped to found another community in ancient Hebron.

“In Hebron always had a Jewish community, even during the two thousand years of exile, until 1929, when Arabs killed members of the local Jewish community,” he says.

Several families rented a Hebron hotel for Passover Seder and never went away.

“I think we were then supported by almost the entire population of Israel. Even after more than six months after the six day war the population has a very high spirit,” continues the Rabbi Waldman.

Thousands of Israeli pilgrims entered the Old city of Jerusalem for their religious celebrations.

“All the papers were for us. I even remember the headlines: “the words of the prophets are in the air,” says Waldman.

50 years later, about 430 thousand Israelis live in more than 200 settlements in Judea and Samaria. Their number reaches 750 000, if you count the areas of East Jerusalem.

“There is phenomenal growth. It’s been 50 years after the six day war, and we look with hope to the future. We have a vision of a thriving Shiloh,” says David Rubin.

What was this place fifty years ago?

“A barren wasteland. Nothing. Only the hills are overgrown with weeds and thorns,” he replies.

Children here are becoming more. The settlement is home to eight thousand inhabitants; more than two thousand of them — children who are studying here in Shiloh.

“We know that when Israel is not in this land, the land becomes barren. The earth bears no fruit. But now it brings forth its fruit because Israel is back. And the most important fruit you see here — these children!” says David Rubin.

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