In the UK hosted a conference on theological education – Your Bible

In Durham University hosted a three-day scientific-practical conference devoted to the problems and new trends in teaching the theological disciplines, reported on the website of the University.

This annual forum, organised by the faculty of theology and religion Durham University. The participation of clergy, theologians and teachers of the ecclesiastical disciplines in universities, colleges, secondary schools and parish schools in the UK, writes the Week.

The theme this year is “the Formation of the Church involved in the life of the world: theological education and prospects of contemporary forms of discipleship”

The main issues that were the topics of presentations, discussion panels and workshops was the following: How well the existing educational system, different religious communities of the country Ministers are equipped with the knowledge and skills? Does the system effectively cover the whole range of Christian knowledge and experience for further broadcast to other people and communities? What you will need to perceive the changes taking place in culture, so that our Church took this diversity seriously – and if so, what role can theological education play? In what way and in what direction teachers of the theological and ecclesial disciplines, can carry out a more fruitful his Ministry the Church involved in the problems of the world? As far as theological education and training that is offered to people, corresponds to a vast array of callings and forms of Christian Ministry that Christians carry out as experts-scholars and as members of modern secular society in the family, at work, in Church and social life?

The plenary lectures at the beginning of the first session were: sociology Dr. Megan Seneque(Fund Susanna Wesley), with the theme “the Ecology of relationships within the process of teaching theological disciplines” and the head of the Division of mission and public relations of the Church of England, Dr. priest Malcolm brown with the subject “Kupyanskoe serving as a model for the Church the implementation of environmental principles in the sphere of interpersonal relations”.

Dr. priest Stephen Spencer, head of the Council on theological education in the Anglican community, made a presentation on the role of William temple, former Archbishop of York (1929-42), Archbishop of Canterbury (1942-44). in the development of the Church educational system of the Church of England.

Panel discussion on the theme of spiritual discipline, contemplation and preservation of the Church’s lifestyle with an active social activities were coordinated by Dr. priest Jenny Moberly, associate Professor of practical theology (University of Durham). The head of the Anglican Society of Saint Francis Brother Samuel.

Also brother Samuel, addressed the participants of the panel discussions and round tables with the message-an overview on the different models of understanding the “rules of life” and spiritual practices, showing their specificity and compliance with different types of temperament, the nature of a Christian Minister/Minister of pastoral and pedagogical challenges facing him or her.

Almost all the reports had pastoral or pedagogical-practical orientation and was introductory in nature, on the one hand, lighting in General is the problem, on the other, raising questions for discussion and practical sessions, roundtables and seminars.

One of the biggest sessions of the conference in Durham was devoted to the study and teaching of the foundations of modern science in the context of Christian theology and ethics. The aim of this sessions was the awareness of the most effective ways of providing knowledge and developing positions on certain issues that confront contemporary society intensively developing information and scientific technology.

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