Scientists have found a new way to extend the life of Your Bible

Scientists from Marshall University found that a specific enzyme, called sodium-potassium adenosinetriphosphatase, participates in the cycle of generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and is closely associated with the aging process. As reported by EurekAlert!, researchers believe that this biochemical path can be a target for anti-aging drugs, writes

In the study, scientists conducted an experiment on mice, which lasted a year. Rodents eat food, typical “Western diet” which is high in fats and carbohydrates. This helped to make the signs of aging are clearly evident, as in animal cells synthesized a large amount of oxygen radicals — compounds including an oxygen atom, and one or more unpaired electrons. ROS can damage proteins, DNA and lipids, but their excess causes oxidative stress and cell death.

Shown that mice receiving injection of pNaKtide — inhibitor way NKAL, — decreased production of ROS and slowed aging. The same results were obtained in cultures of human fibroblasts — connective tissue cells. If NKAL stimulation increased the expression of markers of ageing and the degree of damage to the organelles. pNaKtide is significantly reduced severity of these symptoms.

According to scientists, if it turns out that pNaKtide will be safe for the human body, this substance can become the basis for anti-aging therapy.

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Earlier it was reported that scientists found the protein, the introduction of which will help to stop the aging process. Tests on mice confirmed that the introduction into the organism of “anti-aging” protein markedly improves the physical condition of the animals. Also in older rodents significantly reduced the chances of dying from heart disease. This discovery gives people hope that they can live longer.

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