The book, after which I would like to become better

The keys of the Kingdom – a regular Archibald Cronin

A good writer must be cruel. Otherwise he would not be able to write a realistic book. This, reading that you believe that is what has happened in my life. I opened Archibald Cronin about a year ago, and still not cease to wonder how he is ruthless with his characters (and sensitive nerves of some readers!) and how plausible the plots of his books.

A book that exceeded all my expectations, surprised me is the religious name of “the keys of the Kingdom” (keys of the Kingdom Christ promised to give to the Apostle Peter, Matthew 16:19). This is the story of the life of an ordinary Catholic priest, a loser, as did many of his brethren. No, not just a loser, and the freethinker, the heretic! The book “the keys of the Kingdom” begins with the fact that we see father Chisholm in old age — a priest in a small parish. It comes Fused Monsignor, a priest of higher rank in order to prepare for the upcoming retirement. He accuses his father Chisholm in the bad governance of the parish.

“You come one of your best parishioners, Mrs. Glendenning. Not my fault she is so fat. She came to you to get spiritual guidance and you looked at her and said, “Eat less. The narrow gates of heaven””.

This is an unusually kind, intelligent and sad book, written in a wonderful language. One of those books that make you want to get better. Perhaps Francis Chisholm is not an example of direct imitation, but for me it is a source of inspiration, strength to overcome himself, his laziness and indifference, the misery of life.

In the book “the keys of the Kingdom” not of sermons and lectures. There is no direct answer to the question: who is right — Francis, at the end of life sorry that many have made, or his friend Anselm, who became a Bishop, a popular and respected man. Whether lived his life the eccentric priest, who claimed that not all atheists will go to hell? Which violated one of the ten commandments to save their neighbors?

When he offered to retire to the shelter for elderly priests, he said: “— While I’m alive, I don’t want to end up in society a mass of elderly priests. Maybe you might find this strange, but I’ve never been able to stand the clergy in large doses.

Merged resentful smiled a crooked smile.

— Nothing that would seem strange to you, father. Forgive me, but your reputation before your departure to China… your whole life… it was peculiar, to say the least.

There was silence. Father Chisholm said quietly:

— I shall report in my life to God.”

We also have the opportunity to read this report. Do not think that Francis Chisholm was a Saint. We see it as victory and defeat, admire his actions and immediately regret the misses. His life was not easy. Much of what he dreamed did not come true. But he was always true to himself, honest and direct. That guy can be a bit prickly, but I promise you’ll love it.

PS do Not watch the film adaptation of the book “the keys of the Kingdom”.

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