The study found a link between ADHD and video game addiction

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A study conducted by experts at Loma Linda University, organization of seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, USA, says that the severity of ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity) associated with the degree of dependence on video games.

A study conducted by the Research school for behavioral studies at the University of Loma Linda showed that the severity of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with the degree of dependence on video games.

In the study, “Addiction to video games, symptoms of ADHD and gain video games”, published June 6, 2018, “the American journal of the study of drug and alcohol abuse”, it was discovered that the risk of dependence exists regardless of what type of video games used.

“This result is consistent with our hypothesis and with previous research which States that people with a higher degree of ADHD symptoms may be at greater risk of development of problematic gaming habits,” said Holly E. R. Morrell, associate Professor, School of behavioral health Loma Linda University and scientific Director of the study.

The study was published after a few days after the video game addiction has been recognized by international public health problem. The world health organization added “gambling” in its international classification of diseases 11th edition, released June 18.

Morrell said that previous studies have found that up to 23 percent of people who play video games, reported symptoms of dependence, which can lead to negative consequences for health, well-being, sleep, study and socialization.

In a study of Loma Linda University the length of time taken for video games was associated with severity of dependence. Age didn’t matter. In addition, men reported greater exposure than women. Morrell and her team have joined to study about 3000 players in video games at the age from 18 to 57 years.

Morrell is an expert in the area of addictions. In may, she published a study on cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, in which she and her collaborators described some of the risks associated with addiction to video games, such as the problems of physical and mental health, as well as problems with social and professional activities.

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