Metropolitan of Tallinn and all Estonia Cornelius, Abbot of Optina Archimandrite Benedict, Bulgarian grandpa Dobri, Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Oleg Tabakov, Joseph Kobzon, Nikolay Karachentsov and many others – remember those who did not in the past 2018.
- Grandpa Dobri – the life eternal
- My son George Giants (+video)
- Stephen Hawking: the wheelchair into the open space
- Oleg Tabakov helped colleagues, their families, students and elderly
- Died the Abbot of the Athonite monastery Dochiar Archimandrite Gregory (Sumis)
Archimandrite Venedikt (Stumps)
The Governor of the Vvedensky monastery of Optina
(24 June 1939 – January 22, 2018)
Archimandrite Venedikt (stumps) was an Abbot of one of the famous and famous monasteries of Russia Svyato-Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage for 28 years. The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill noted that the priest did much to restore the former grandeur of the monastery, paying “special attention to the preservation of the continuity of monastic traditions, education and the moral education of our contemporaries”. According to the Primate of the Russian Church, Archimandrite Venedikt (stumps) showed “the best qualities of the priest: spiritual vitality, Church loyalty and fidelity to their vocation”.
Ursula Kroeber Le GUIN
American novelist, author of poems, novels, children’s books, essayist and literary critic
(October 21, 1929 – January 22, 2018)
Photo: Dan Tuffs/Getty Images
Works of Ursula Le GUIN translated into more than 40 languages and published in millions of copies. The greatest popularity was received by her works in the genres of science fiction and fantasy, for example a book series about the fictional world of “Earthsea”. In 2000, the Library of Congress declared the writer “living legend”.
George Giants
Historian, teacher, chorister and altar server khrama vsemilostivogo Spasa in Mitino
(13 June 1982 – January 25, 2018)
Photo: Boris Prokudin
Giant George was a graduate of the theological faculty of St. Tikhon Orthodox humanitarian University, missionary catechist, altar server and chorister in the Moscow temple of all-merciful Saviour in Mitino. Wrote articles on theological topics, worked in the Synodal Department for Church charity and social service and the first press Secretary for the Orthodox service of assistance “Mercy”, prepared for receiving the Holy orders. 25 Jan George the Giants saved a homeless man who fell off the platform Krasnogorskaya. He thus came under the high-speed train and killed. Patriarch Kirill noted that the victim “has provided a vivid example of a modern Christian: a person’s active and creative, with a proactive attitude and a desire to bring the word of God to all that seek him”.
“His whole life was permeated with ardent love to Christ and neighbor, and his death, he testified that he was a true disciple and follower of the Savior. The merciful Lord will accept with love the soul of Your departed servant George, and made the heavens inhabited by innumerable sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but everlasting life,” – said in the condolences of the Primate of the Russian Church.
Dobre Dimitrov Dobrev
Bulgarian philanthropist, known as Grandpa Dobri or “Holy of Baylovo”
(20 July 1914 – 13 Feb 2018)
Grandpa Dobri bequeathed all his property to the Church, and he almost daily walked or rode the bus to the capital to collect alms at the temple of Sofia. All the money he gave to the Church. Grandpa Dobri, leading a very modest lifestyle, has become the largest contributor of the Patriarchal Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia, as well as several churches and monasteries. For your kindness, generosity and asceticism, many called it “the Holy of Baylovo”. A Grandpa Dobri accompanied the Patriarch of Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia neophyte.
“Let the memory of it not accompanied by grief and sadness, joy and hope that Holiness and good works in Bulgaria have not disappeared and that our Lord, by the prayers of the blessed virgin and all the saints, do not deprive us in the future in Their Holy gifts,” – addressed the congregation at the funeral of philanthropist Patriarch Neofit.
Grandpa Dobri buried in the grave with cemented bottom, and the coffin laid a concrete slab. In Bulgaria, so they bury those who may in the future canonicalize – for the speedy retrieval of the relics.
“God you have – all you have” – he said Grandpa Dobri.
Billy Graham
American religious and social activist, preacher
(7 November 1918 – 21 Feb 2018)
Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images
Billy Graham was one of the most influential Christian leaders in the USA. As a member of the largest Baptist Union in the world – the southern Baptist Convention, he has performed with the mass messages around the world, including in the USSR. For many years he was a spiritual adviser to American presidents – Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama. Pastor Billy Graham has repeatedly visited the Soviet Union from 1982 to 1992 as a preacher. The first time he came to the USSR at the invitation of Patriarch Pimen.
Archimandrite Averky (Shvetsov-Zagarian)
The diocesan priest, cleric of Nativity of the virgin monastery Anastasova Odoevskogo district
(April 7, 1915 – February 24, 2018)
During the great Patriotic war, the future priest fought on the line of the Western front, fell into German captivity, where he spent 2.5 years. After the war, he and 170 thousand prisoners of war, detained in camps, were interned on the West – he was in Argentina, where he lived later 10 years of his life. After the expiration of the internment took monastic orders and decided to devote his life to the service of God. Archimandrite Anastassy moved to the United States, he graduated from the Seminary and subsequently for 50 years served by 35 parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. At the invitation of one of the abbots of the Tula diocese, he returned to Russia and became a Confessor in the ancient monastery of the Tula region – Anastasievsko monastery, where professed clerics Nobel diocese and spiritually helped many pilgrims.
Archbishop Gregory Mozhayskiy
Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Archbishop of Mozhaisk, vicar of the Moscow diocese
(1 January 1942 – February 25, 2018)
Archbishop Gregory Mozhayskiy at different times worked at the Department for external Church relations, was Secretary of the Moscow diocesan administration, the rector of Dormition Church of the Novodevichy convent in Moscow. For many years the Archbishop was responsible obedience to the vicar of the Moscow diocese. For more than 40 years was an assistant to the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Juvenal on management of the Moscow diocese.
Oleg Tabakov
Actor and Director of theater and cinema, people’s artist of the USSR, teacher
(17 August 1935 – 12 Mar 2018)
One of the most famous and beloved actors of the Soviet and Russian cinema. From 2001 he was artistic Director of the Moscow art theatre. A. P. Chekhov. This position was combined with work in the Studio-theatre “the Snuffbox”. In the theater, in film, radio and television tobacco played about 200 roles. Oleg Tabakov has voiced many well-known cartoons.
“The farther, the more we will understand what great power is in his human and professional relations, in relation to the actors, to the theatre, to the fans,” shared with the “Provera” his memories of artist writer, Director, actor Alexander Adabashyan.
Oleg Tabakov has helped actors who were sick or in need of expensive operations. He provided support not only colleagues, but also their families experiencing health problems. In addition, Oleg Tabakov pay a stipend to its students from GITIS and financial support of older members of the theater. During the life of the artist donated money to build the temple in Moscow or the Moscow region, but did not advertise this charity.
Stephen Hawking
English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, writer, research Director of the Centre for theoretical cosmology, University of Cambridge
(8 Jan 1942 – 14 Mar 2018)
Stephen Hawking engaged in scientific research in the field of cosmology and quantum gravity. He was the author of the theory of “evaporation” of black holes due to radiation – a phenomenon called “Hawking radiation”. Scientist considered one of the founders of quantum cosmology. At the age of 22, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als)”. Since the late 1960s, he moved only in a wheelchair, and in 1985 he lost the ability to speak and communicated using a voice synthesizer. At the end of life, the scientist was able to move only facial muscle of the cheek which allows him using the sensor to control the computer.
“First, look at the stars and not down at your feet. Second, never stop working. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without her. Third, if you are lucky and you found love, – remember about it and take care of her”, said Stephen Hawking.
Stephen Hawking, despite health issues, traveled extensively and engaged in social activities. In 60-ies he took part in protests against the Vietnam war. A negative attitude towards the war in Iraq, calling it a “war crime.” Advocated nuclear disarmament, raised questions of climate change.
Oleg Anofriyev
Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, songwriter and singer
(July 20, 1930 – March 28, 2018)
The artist is known for the numerous cartoons that he voiced – the most popular of them is “the Bremen town musicians”, which he performed almost all of the party. Oleg anofriyev has also written over 50 songs, ballads and tunes to films, cartoons, as well as performances and musical tales.
Mikhail Ugarov
Playwright, film and theater Director, screenwriter
(23 January 1956 – 1 April 2018)
Play by Mikhail Ugarov staged throughout Russia. He was one of the ideologists of the theater “New drama”. Member of the organizing Committee and one of the organizers of the festival of young drama “Lyubimovka”. In 2002 he founded the Moscow theatre of documentary plays “Театр.doc” where was the artistic Director. Since 2010, he headed the “Center of drama and directing of A. Kazantsev and M. Roschin”. Taught at the Higher school of journalism of the HSE and “School of documentary film and theatre”.
Abbess Mariam (Saharova)
Honorary abbess Karachevsky Nikolo-Audrina convent
(23 March 1929 – 1 APR 2018)
20 years, the abbess Mariam was the abbess of a Karachevsky Nikolo-Audrina monastery, founded in the XV century. Thanks to her efforts, the former on the verge of destruction the monastery was restored Abbot’s house, erected a stone fence around the monastery and the gate gate, built nursing corps. In addition, her efforts in abode back the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “surety of sinners”.
“Mother came to ruins and with boundless energy, hope in God and petition the Queen of Heaven began to restore the convent… And most importantly – the abode began in many to come people. Possessing a deep faith and a merciful heart, mother met each flowing here with such love, care, kindness and a sincere smile that people would want to come back here again and again,” recalls the mother superior, the Metropolitan of Bryansk and Sevsk Alexander.
Father Superior Of Laurus (Timokhin)
Rector of Holy assumption monastery, rural Dean of the churches in Novomoskovsk district
(3 Sep 1955 – 6 April 2018)
Since 2000 was the overseer of all the churches of the diocese at the Tula Novomoskovsk, Donskoy and Village (until 2001, Kimovsky and Uzlovskaya) districts.
During his life he has been awarded Church, state and public awards. Since 2005 he has been a Trustee of the GOU “Novomoskovsk special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities”.
Abbess Antonia (Filkin)
The mother superior of the Kiev ascension Florovsky nunnery
(September 27, 1934 – April 16, 2018)
Photo: searches.Russia
Under the leadership of abbess Antonia underwent large-scale restoration works of the monastery, the restoration of churches and private buildings. Her work was discovered a few hermitages. During the years of its monastery monastic vows in the monastery took a whole group of nuns. With the blessing of mother Florovsky monastery regularly began to help the hospitals, orphanages, prisons and many needy.
“The years of her monastery became the heyday of the monastery after decades of atheistic years. Her memory will always be stored not only in the hearts of hundreds Florovsky nuns, but many people that have found their mother Antonia spiritual comfort and support”, – stated in the message of her death.
Metropolitan of Tallinn and all Estonia Cornelius
(19 June 1924 – 19 APR 2018)
Metropolitan of Tallinn and all Estonia Cornelius carried his Ministry – deacon first, then priest, then Bishop, and for more than seventy years. In 1990, he became a Bishop and headed the Estonian Department. In Soviet times, was arrested and convicted of “anti-Soviet agitation” (the storage of religious books, conversations with believers). The prison in the political camps of Mordovia (Dubravlag).
“Life of Bishop Cornelius was an ordeal. Illegal court, he was sentenced to correctional labor camps and spent several years in bitter work, but then by the grace of God was released and continued his priestly Ministry. In the 90-ies, when the Church throughout Holy Russia was resurgent, he was a witness and participant in the revival of Church life in Estonia. But here it was waited by numerous afflictions which he endured as befits a good soldier of Christ,” said during the farewell ceremony with the priest, the Chairman of the Department for external Church relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk.
Archimandrite Adrian (Kirsanov)
The old man is the Confessor of the Pskov-caves monastery
(17 March 1922 – 28 APR 2018)
A veteran of the great Patriotic war. He received his tonsure after the war in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with the blessing of Patriarch Pimen. In the Pskov-Pechersk monastery Archimandrite Adrian since 1975. At the monastery he went from a simple priest to Archimandrite.
Elder Adrian called comforting parson and loved for the special power of prayer. To him, many turned for advice and consolation.
Kira Muratova
Soviet and Ukrainian film Director, screenwriter and actress
(November 5, 1934 – June 6, 2018)
He worked as a Director of the Odessa film Studio as well as on “Lenfilm”. Paintings Muratova has won awards at international and Russian film festivals. Among the most notable of her works – movies “Change of fate”, “Asthenic syndrome”. The latter was awarded the Special jury prize “Silver bear” at the 40th Berlin film festival in 1990. Her last work was the film “melody for a street organ” and “the Eternal return. Casting”.
Archimandrite Germogen, Tikhon schema
The Confessor Snetogorsky monastery
(1935 – 9 June 2018)
Photo: the temple of Irene.Russia
The priest has served at the monastery for 23 years. He was a spiritual leader of a group of nuns, who worked on the canonization of the new martyrs of Pskov. Under the editorship of Archimandrite Hermogenes published several books on the history of the Orthodox Church in the Pskov lands.
“The flow of people from all over the Orthodox world never stop to him. There is the number of cases of effective help it, while they, in the most severe, intractable cases, of human life. The father was caring blagoustroitelnyh his monastery. Many flock to him from all parts of Russia and the world helped in the revival of the churches,” remember Archimandrite Hermogen to the monastery.
Stanislav Govorukhin
Director, actor and Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on culture
(29 March 1936 – 14 Jun 2018)
While working at the Odessa film Studio directed the film “Vertical”,”the Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”, “In search of captain Grant”, “Ten little Indians” . Was screenwriter of “Pirates of the XX century”. The real fame brought Govorukhin released in November 1979 serial television movie “the meeting Place cannot be changed”. In the late 80-ies moved to the film Studio “Mosfilm”. In 1993 Govorukhin has been a Deputy of the state Duma. Headed the state Duma Commission investigating the Chechen conflict. The winner of the prize “Golden eagle” in the nomination “Best Director” for the film “the End of a great era” (2016), winner of the honorary “Golden eagle” For “contribution to Russian cinema” (2015).
Ivan Leonov
Hero of Russia, a veteran of the great Patriotic war, Soviet military pilot
(February 1, 1923 – June 21, 2018)
Passed all Great Patriotic war, having made 55 sorties. Awarded three orders of the red banner, Patriotic war, medals “For courage”, “For defense of Moscow”, “For capture of Koenigsberg”, “For Victory over Germany” and others In 1943 in an air battle he was severely wounded, resulting in the pilot was amputated left arm. After his recovery, he obtained permission to fly one arm and did it with a prosthesis of his own design.
Listed in the Guinness Book of records as the world’s only combat pilot who fought in the skies with an amputated hand.
In addition to the two native daughters, and his wife raised five foster children whose parents died in the war.
Vladimir Voinovich
Novelist, poet and playwright
(26 September 1932 – July 28, 2018)
The author of the novels “the Life and extraordinary adventures of private Ivan Chonkin”, “Moscow 2042”, “Monumental propaganda”, etc. the Writer also known as the author of the lyrics to many songs, the most famous “Fourteen minutes before start”, devoted to the cosmonautics. In 2001 for the novel “Monumental propaganda” Voinovich was awarded the State prize of the Russian Federation.
Dmitry Brusnikin
Soviet and Russian actor and theatre and film Director, writer, theatre teacher, Professor
(November 17, 1957 – August 9, 2018)
Disciple of Oleg Efremov, Dmitry Brusnikin was a Professor at School-Studio of MKHAT, where he taught acting, artistic Director of the “Workshop of Dmitry Brusnikina” and “Practice” theatre, the honoured worker of arts of Russia.
“He was a very humble man who did not like to be seen, to orate. But his silence is always very keenly felt. And when it came to speak, he bravely, calmly and simply Express the most important thoughts”, – said people’s artist of Russia Avangard Leontyev.
Joseph Kobzon
Soviet and Russian singer, the Russian political and social activist, music teacher
(September 11, 1937 – August 30, 2018)
One of the most famous singers of the USSR and Russia. In General, the repertoire of the artist comprises more than 3 thousand songs he has released several dozen albums. In the 1980-ies Iosif Kobzon performed in front of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan in June 1986 in Chernobyl two months after the disaster at the plant in February 2016 at Syrian airbase Hamim, which deployed the Russian military. In October 2002 he participated in negotiations with terrorists who seized hostages in the Moscow Theatrical center on Dubrovka during the presentation of the musical “Nord-OST”. Brought out of the building a woman and three children.
“The deceased was endowed with many talents. His songs, especially in the war time, was widely known and loved by many people. In childhood, survived the war, he treated the heroism of those who gave their lives for the sake of victory over fascism… With a sensitive heart and a great civic courage and the deceased considered it his duty to assist those in need of assistance”, – noted in his condolences to Patriarch Kirill.
Charles Aznavour
French singer, composer, poet, writer and actor
(22 may 1924 – 1 Oct 2018)
One of the major French artists of the twentieth century. The author of more than a thousand songs, he played 80 roles in movies and spent more than thousands of shows in 94 countries. His records sold worldwide with a total circulation of more than 180 million copies. Aznavour became the first French performer, who managed to receive a platinum disc in Europe. He was commander of the French order of the Legion of honor, and wore the title of National hero of Armenia.
Roman Kartsev
Soviet and Russian entertainer, film and theatre
(20 may 1939 – 2 Oct 2018)
From his youth engaged in Amateur performance. He served in the Moscow theatre of miniatures under the leadership of Mikhail Zhvanetsky, also acted in the theater “Hermitage” and Konstantin Raikin Estrada theatre. In Soviet times, was a success thanks to their performances in the genre pop Reprise. In the repertoire of the artist, except for works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky, were also Chekhov, Kharms, Zoshchenko, and others. In addition to the theatre actor starred in the movie. He played in such films as “Dog heart”, “promised Heaven”, “Old jades” and “Master and Margarita”.
Montserrat Caballe
Spanish Opera singer
(April 12, 1933 – October 6, 2018)
World famous Opera singer, the greatest soprano of our time. Became famous in the first place, their technique of Bel Canto and the performance of roles in classical Italian operas. During his creative life has played 88 roles, about 800 chamber works. Was an Ambassador of peace, goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO.
Archimandrite Gregory (Sumis)
The Abbot of the monastery Dochiar the Holy mount Athos
(1942 – 22 Oct 2018)
Archimandrite Gregory (Sumis) was a close relative of the famous Athonite elder Joseph Hesychast. Held in the monastery of 65. His monastic path, he started under the guidance of two ascetics – the elders Philotheus (Zervakos) and Amphilochius (Makris) Putmessage. Under the direct guidance of the elder Gregory Dohar, by that time, started to crumble, revived, gathered brethren.
Having a great reputation, the old man wore shabby clothes and was very simple. As Archimandrite posing as a monk, said that he prefers it that way. Speaking for myself, the old man asked me to pray about the “robber Gregory”.
Archimandrite Gregory – author of “the men of the Church whom I knew” that contains much wisdom.
Nikolai Karachentsov
Soviet and Russian actor
(27 October 1944 – 26 October 2018)
Karachentsov was one of the leading actors of “Lenkom”, he has participated in many performances, which was a huge success with the audience, such as “til” and “the Star and death of Joaquin Murieta.” The most popularity and love of the audience Nikolay Karachentsov has brought the image of count Rezanova in fate-an Opera “Juno and Avos” – play, which became the hallmark of “Lenkom”. During his career, the actor starred in more than hundred films, including “the Eldest son”, “dog in the manger”, “the adventures of electronics”, “the House that swift built”, “Man from Boulevard des Capucines”, “White dew”, “Trust that burst” and many others.
Laura Williams
One of the founders of WWF in Russia
(May 21, 1969 – October 28, 2018)
Photo: Facebook
Laura Williams was born and raised in the United States. In 1993, she came to Russia as an employee of the WWF and worked for four years in the Moscow office of WWF, to bring to life dozens of environmental protection programs, among which was the reserve “Bryansk forest”. Husband of Laura, a famous Russian photographer and naturalist Igor Shpilenok. Together they moved to the village of Wins in the Bryansk forest, where he was doing conservation. Together they also worked on nature conservation in Kamchatka and lived on the territory of the Kronotsky reserve.
“It is impossible to describe how much it meant and how much this man did for the Fund. With Laura began the history of the WWF… We will all miss the enthusiasm, optimism, warmth, radiant smile, which Laura generously to all who were lucky enough to be close,” – said in the condolence on the website of WWF Russia.
Andrei Bitov
Novelist, poet, essayist, screenwriter
(27 may 1937 – 3 Dec 2018)
Andrei Bitov is one of the founders of postmodernism in Russian literature. He has written more than 20 books, including “Georgian album”, “Man in landscape”, “Articles from the novel,” “the Teacher of symmetry”. For the novel “Flying away Monakhov” Bits in 1992 he received the State prize of the Russian Federation. In 1993, she became a Chevalier of the order “For merits in art and literature.”
Lyudmila Alexeyeva
Soviet dissident and Russian public figure, human rights activist
(20 July 1927 – 8 Dec 2018)
Participant of human rights movement in the USSR and post-Soviet Russia, one of the founders of the Moscow Helsinki group since 1996 Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki group. In 2002-2012 he was a member of the Commission on human rights under the President of the Russian Federation.