The child doesn’t remember that he specified, is walking around in the holidays, goes on a sea of circles, but at school he was always bored. “Pravmir” repeats the cycle of interviews with Ekaterina Burmistrova about the typical problems faced by students of all ages and their parents. Today we are talking about what is happening with children in elementary school and how to solve the difficulties that they may have from the 1st to the 4th class.
- 7 things that will make any morning before school positive
- Give the child the caregiver is in the hands of
- Two weeks of tears and protests: a first grader went to school
- Don’t leave me!
- To live contrary to what happened at school
– What are the typical problems of younger students?
– If we are talking about urban students, the first and main problem – it’s a learned dependency, incompleteness of unit planning. Briefly, this is called “training the lack of independence, impairs relationship.”
– Where does it come from?
– There are several causes that lead to the fact that the child cannot do alone, and in this regard, parents have to sit with him for lessons, that spoils the relations between parent and child. Now nothing tunes nor the parent, nor the child to build independence. It does not occur by gravity.
First, a considerable contribution to this comes from the curriculum – it is often oversaturated and rigged under the age of the children and their abilities, and under the ambitions of the educational institution.
When we studied, nobody came to sit with the child the lessons, except to move to another stronger school or admission somewhere. Everything was arranged so that the program could handle. And now everything is arranged so that the program can handle only the case that all hell will break loose. And I’m talking about ordinary kids with no educational skills, no dysgraphia, without disturbing the attention of autonomic disorders.
The program is part of the subject is formed so that it is impossible to learn without an adult. For example, a first grader or a second grader who starts to learn a foreign language, gets a tutorial in which all the tasks given in English, and he can’t read English. It is obvious that without the participation of an adult he can’t do. When we studied, this was not.
Secondly, not only has the program filling, but changed the approach of the teachers. Last year in one of the best Moscow schools, only one teacher of the first classes of the four parents said: “do Not try to help children do homework, they come to learn themselves,” all of them said, “Parents, you have entered the first grade. In mathematics we have such a program in Russian-so, this term we are adding, the next subtracting…” And it is also, of course, creating an educational dependence.
Today the school is part of the responsibility outweighs the parents, and it is believed that this is a plus. In addition, teachers are scary twitched Prosami and stuff. They have no problem shaping the learning autonomy – they have a lot of other problems and difficulties: large classes and huge statements…
The generation of teachers that is configured to the formation of independence, coming from the working arena.
Another factor contributing to the deterioration of the situation in the primary school – after significant changes in education everywhere has increased the number of students in one class. This is a huge difference for the teachers to teach in the first class of 25 children or 32 or even 40. This greatly affects the ways of working of teachers. Therefore, one of the serious problems of the elementary school, large classes and the associated changes to ways of working teachers, and as a result – more frequent emotional burnout of teachers.
Teachers who studied in the Soviet Union, was ready to deal, came to the profession as a service now descend from the employment arena to age. There is a huge shortage of personnel. The teaching profession for a long time was not prestigious, and attract to the profession young professionals started just now. This is partly why even the best schools today are experiencing a severe educational crisis.
The older generation may have been emotionally burned out, tired, but very professional. And of the young teachers at the age of 22-32 years configured to receive the maximum earnings with minimal effort, very few will stay in school. Therefore, teachers often leave change.
– What contribution to the formation of lack of independence contributed by the parents?
– Parents, first of all, there are a lot of free time. Today often, if the family can afford, so my mom didn’t work, she sits with a child through elementary school. And, of course, she needs to feel needed. Joint homework is partially inspired by the fact that adults now have more free time than before. Not to say that is bad is the time you can spend on something wonderful, but it is often spent on the lessons, and because of this relationship does not improve.
– What are the reasons?
Another is that we are raising tadpoles. We make a huge emphasis on the development of intellectual abilities. This contributes to a large amount of different offers, especially in Moscow, so much to choose – only manage to carry. And we loaded the children more than necessary. This is a common trend and this is evident not on the conscious level – so do all.
– What are the symptoms that the child suffers from a learning dependency?
– The child does not remember himself what he asked. And for this purpose all conditions are created: a paper diary in the past – we now have teacher blogs, parent chat groups, e-diaries, where everything is laid out.
The child remembers that it is necessary to take lessons. Often the reason is that everything is so tight in its schedule that right after school he’s going somewhere, and then somewhere else and when he gets home, he is simply not able or about what to remember.
Only very Mature children are able to 7-8 PM to remember the lessons, so parents have to be reminded. And this is a classic symptom of school autonomy. An independent person must take the task, remember that he needs her to do, and plan a time when it will be done. In first grade this skill is being formed, but the second-third grade he should be. But it does not occur by gravity, and in the modern school there is nothing this form.
The child is in principle not trained to be responsible for their time. He is not alone – we carry him everywhere. Now no one has the key around his neck everywhere we are leading him by the hand, carry to the car. If he’s late to school, it is not he was late, and mom’s stuck in traffic. He can’t plan how much it come out and how much time is necessary to something to do because he just doesn’t need to learn this.
– How it to treat?
– To treat painful, nobody likes those recommendations, and usually to psychologists fall into, when it has reached the limit, has brought relations to such a state that the joint homework turns into hours of agony. Prior to this parents are not willing to listen to any recommendations of the experts. And recommendations are: it is necessary to experience the peak down, a serious decline in achievement, and to teach the child to feel responsible for his time and lessons.
– Roughly speaking, you no longer control the process of leaving home, to remind him to do homework, and sit with him for lessons, and courageously experiencing a temporary shaft twos?
– Briefly, Yes. I have the whole course is about learning independence. It is advisable to explain to the teacher that you will have this peak down, but not every teacher can be negotiate: to treat this process with the understanding that a single teacher out of ten, because the General tendency of the school is different. Today is to teach a child to learn is not the task of the school.
The problem is that in elementary school, the child is still small, and you can practically force him to sit for lessons and to keep. Difficulties often begin later in 6-7th grade when it’s already a big man, sometimes above mom and dad, who have other interests, begin puberty thing and it turns out he did not know how to allocate time and is not ready to listen to you. He wants independence, but absolutely it is not capable of.
I exaggerate, and to a sharp confrontation with the parents comes not always, but often enough. While parents can, they hold, control, direct. As they say, the main thing – to bring the child to retirement.
– What are problems in primary school children?
– Related to the lack of independence problem is the congestion of a child when he shoved all that you can cram. Every year I meet with the moms who say, “my child’s schedule is harder than mine”, and I say this with pride.
It’s a certain part of society where the mother is killed and lead the child anywhere or where there is a driver who carries everywhere and is expecting a child in the car. I have a simple marker of abnormal activity: I ask: “How much time per week your child walks?” If we are talking about primary school, parents often say, “What walks? He walks vacation”. This is an indicator of abnormal loads. Another good question: “what likes to play with your child?” – “Lego”. “When he plays with Lego?” – “Vacation”…
By the way, this overload of the schedule increases the number nikitosik children.
If the child has not yet become a fan of reading, did not have time to read, not equal to reading, in terms of intellectual and organizational overload, coming home, he will be more likely to want to disable the brain, which works all the time.
Here there is a direct relationship, and when children are unloaded, they start to read. In the congested child’s brain all the time in suspense. When we, adults deprive ourselves of the full regular bedtime, we better not start to work – we start working in a completely different way, and many have to go through the brutal experience of insomnia and nervous and mental exhaustion before they cease to experiment with amount of sleep.
The load is the same. If we systematically overload the fragile creature that is actively growing, it begins to learn from the best. Therefore, the issue of burden – a very delicate and individual. There are children who are ready to carry more load and they are fine, they are getting better just from this, and there are those who take the load, carries it, but gradually this neuroticisms. We must look at the behavior of the child, his condition in the evening and by the end of the week.
– What state should force parents to reflect and reconsider the burden of a child?
It depends on his psychological type. The melancholic will suffer quietly cry and hurt, because it is the most vulnerable and exhaustible type, they will be tired just from the amount of people in the class and from the noise in recreation. Choleric will scream and throw tantrums by the end of the week.
The most dangerous type – those children who, without external manifestations of fatigue carry the load until it brings them to somatic disruption until they are covered with eczema and spots. This endurance is the most dangerous. They need to be especially careful. They really can do a lot, they are very productive, positive, but they do not always work internal fuses, and parents are often caught when the child is already in poor condition. They need to learn to feel the load.
This individual indicators, but there are common: a child in elementary school have to walk at least three times a week for an hour. And to walk and not what I sometimes say to parents: “we’re walking, when we go from one class to another.” There are generally situations when the child and his mother live in the mode of the feat: “I was in the car feeding him soup from a thermos, because he must eat to the full”.
I hear this a lot, and is often promoted as a great achievement. People are driven by the best motives, and they don’t feel like cluttering up the schedule. But childhood is a time when a lot of effort is spent just on growth and maturation.
– Are there any functional problems of the Junior high students that hinder them in their school life?
– Oddly enough, with all the modern awareness and literacy is often undetected minimal brain dysfunction, MMD. It is a complex of small abnormalities that are not diagnosed before they appeared, but scary way. It’s not really a hyperactivity and not really a deficit of attention – it’s the smaller things, but a child with MMD bad teaching in the format of a regular class. Also, there are nediagnostirovanne all sorts of speech disorders, which greatly influence the development of writing, reading, foreign language, all sorts of dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Where does it come from?
Maybe it always was, but the school were not disturbed and is not particularly apparent. The reason – perhaps stimulated childbirth and intervention in childbirth – when looking where it came from, looking at prenatal factors and there is always something there find.
MMD is a violation of our time, which along with allergies and cancer have increased.
Some of them interfere with the child to learn in regular format.
In the rare schools have a support system, work therapists, psychologists that can help the child to adapt, but there is a huge number of children in the middle of the first, second, third class are squeezed out of regular school because I can study there, it is difficult for them. This means that time is not called speech therapist, psychologist, visited the neuropsychologist, not treated.
– Minimal brain dysfunction is a physiological disorder, but there is another socio-pedagogical problem, which is more evident in Moscow and other large cities: today there are many children who are not accustomed to live in society and not trained in the rules of engagement. They are poorly trained in the format of a large class, simply because they had not ready.
– That is, they are not walking in the yard, never went to a regular garden, all the time was with the nanny and mom?
– Yes, and everything was set for them. Maybe they had great Tutors, excellent knowledge and teaching skills, but they are not used to working in teams. Usually in schools where there is competition, such children keep track of and try not to take or take with the conditions, and in the private schools these children a lot. And they can ruin a class.
– Are there any new problems associated with the fact that children spend a lot of time with tablets, phones and TVs?
– Yes, there is another type of problem is quite new and little studied in the Russian-speaking space, but after a few years in school, you get generations that are more accustomed to watch than to listen. These are children who the main story I heard not from reading books the parents and from relatives, and looked, and, visually, the form of presentation of information has become a basic. This is a much more simple form, and you need to make much less effort to learn something from the video. These children are not in school can listen, they listen for two minutes and turn it off, they have a floating attention. They have no organic disorders – they are just not accustomed to the adopted school form of presenting information.
It is formed by us parents of the child often conveniently “shut down” by the cartoons, and we are thus generated not the listener, not the doer and the viewer, passively consuming visual information.
The smaller screen to the school, the higher the probability that your child will not happen.
– If to speak about the kids, first-graders, is there any indication that the child is too young to go to school?
– If a child started school too early, then after two months, when it should become lighter, it becomes more complicated. These patients come every year in October-November: the child is tired of school, went motivation, first he wanted to go to school and went happy, but exhausted, disappointed, he was not interested in anything that has a somatic disorder, it does not respond to treatment teachers.
For first graders it is very visible. They have to learn in October and November to properly respond to common forms of treatment, when a teacher says: “Children, took the pencils”.
Children who are emotionally ready for school, take the pencils with the General application form. And if they are even in November, saying: “Everyone took pencils, and Mary, too, took a pencil,” so this ability to work independently in a group the child has not yet matured. This is an indication that he went to school early.
– If the child, on the contrary, outlasted an extra year at home or in the kindergarten, how it will look?
– It will also be boring, but in another way: he feels smarter than others. And then you have to think how to pick up baby load, so he could stay in class. If those who went to school before, you can pick up and return a year later to there was a pause, then these children should select the class format individual tasks to be interesting, and not every teacher is willing to do it.
– Are there any indications that the child is in elementary school is bad?
– Of course. Usually the child is difficult in a period of adaptation, in the first two months, or only when he came to the first class, or went to a new class in a new school, changed the staff and teachers. The idea is that on should become easier.
– Why the child should not be in the normal educational process?
– Neurosis, total depression, apathy. There are a number of neurotic signs, which should not be: gnawing the nails, plucking hair, crysania clothes, the appearance of speech disorders, stammering, stuttering, pain in the morning in the abdomen, headaches, nausea, which are only in the morning and go, if a child is left at home, and so on.
After 6-7 weeks of adaptation should not be speaking in a dream, should not change the nature of the dream. We’re talking about primary school students, because in adolescence is much more difficult to determine where the reason – school, and some of their personal experiences.
The following material about the experiences of parents of children who are studying in high school.
Ksenia Knorre Dmitrieva