ISIS suffers major defeat in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Iraqi troops seized the mosque where ISIS has declared a Caliphate, three years ago. But the Islamists are not so easily give up. In the midst of the fighting, one American missionary risked his life to save from ISIS a little girl.
The battle for the liberation of the second largest city of Iraq by ISIS is in the final stage, but a few fights drag on. The few Islamists that are still in the town, using civilians as human shields by the superior forces of the Iraqi and coalition forces. According to the Iraqi commander, his men care about the safety of people.
“These days we are moving meter by meter in order not to endanger civilians, says shaker Mohsen Kazem, 9th armored division of the Iraqi army. — Now we pass only from fifty to one hundred meters per day to protect local residents.”
The footage, taken by drone, shows the destruction in Western Mosul. ISIS blasted the Grand mosque of al-Nuri lies in ruins. This year, the Ministry of defense reported that in Mosul there are about two thousand jihadists. Many have recently left the city or were killed. Their number was reduced to several hundred. Began in October last year, the offensive has put ISIS on his knees.
And the amazing rescue of a little girl that occurred in early June, made to kneel one American — in the prayer of thanksgiving.
This video posted at many sites. Being under fire from ISIS in Mosul, the head of the organization “Free Burma Ranger” David Eubank, running to save Iraqi girl. On the eve of the militants shot in the street more than seventy people, but some of them still lay alive among the corpses, including the girl who was hugging the body of his dead mother. According to Jubanka, he, remaining under fire, ran for the tank, all the time praying. He began to beckon the baby to himself, but that shock did not come to him. As he told us, he had to run 140 meters, to bring it to a safe place.
And that’s what he tells himself David Ubank about this daring rescue.
MAN: Dave, welcome. Yes, you are a true hero! Whether you consider yourself such?
David Eubank, “Free Burma Rangers”:
I consider myself to be forgiven by Jesus and blessed for good deeds. And I also believe that only the power of God helped us to save this girl. Smokescreen the U.S. air force, the Iraqi tank, the prayers of all of you — thanks to all that happened.
MAN: Dave, I understand that you prayed, asking God for opportunities to run those 140 meters and save the girl. And God has answered your prayers.
David Ubank and there. In fact, we were there for almost nine months and have encountered many similar cases, but in that time before ISIS killed there, on the street, more than seventy people. We took the survivors, who managed to escape, and took care of them. Then we went to the same spot to see what is happening there. The next morning we saw the bodies, but some people were still alive. And I said, “God, how can we get there?” After all, ISIS would blow up anyone who tried to cross the dual carriageway and to run those 140 meters. The area is easily exposed to fire, and the militants were strong fighting positions and anti-tank weapons. So that would be a miracle. So I prayed, and other people supported us with prayer. My chaplain Paul Bradley even called me from Thailand, and the Holy Spirit strengthened me. I have called the Americans and talked with the Iraqis. As a result, Americans and Iraqis made up the General plan. The Americans dropped the smoke, and the Iraqis gave us a tank. We ran after him, all the way praying. And God did everything.
MAN: Dave, tell us about the situation with this girl. It for almost a day and a half hiding under the black robe of her dead mother, and then looked out to see you?
David Eubank: Right. Her family was killed together with other people of the 1st of June. And we reached her 2nd of June. And we saved it until the evening of the 2nd of June. Thus it is almost two days hiding among the bodies, hiding under the cloak of her dead mother, under her hijab. Everyone around her was dead, except for a few men, whom we then also saved. However, one thing we’ve lost along the way.
It was so awful to watch a baby all day, trying to come up with a plan and method of salvation. And then she stayed with us for two more days.
We tried to lure her to him but she was fear-ridden. We saw one living person to her and began to tell them, “Here! Here! Over here!” But they couldn’t budge. The man received multiple injuries, but still moving. And the girl just held on to his dead mother and was terrified. And so I just said, “Lord, help us.” I thought that if I die, my wife and children will understand my desire to save a little girl. “No greater love than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends”. Then I remembered this Scripture. However, the first time it came to my mind in may when we rescued another girl in such a situation because of ISIS. I had to go forward, and I thought I was going to kill me. And then I remembered this verse. And I said, “Yes, I have to fulfill the order from Jesus.” I was scared, but God gave me strength. And then another almost every day this verse came to my mind. Therefore, whenever you are afraid of something (and we all afraid of something), ask God: “Should I do it?” And if the answer is “Yes” — it is from God and not from our emotions, then ask Him for love, because love casts out fear.