Think it’s worth to dig anywhere in Israel, and finds a valuable historical find. The recent discovery of two ancient seals in Jerusalem helped to talk about the historical part of the city and the people who lived there.
Archaeologists have found these seals in the building, which is two and a half thousand years.
“Inside the building was very hard work. We literally sifted through all that it found, says Jan Ciechanover from the Israel antiquities authority. — As a result of this sifting was discovered small artifacts, among other things — two Jewish printing. One with a man’s name, Saariaho Ben Swanlake and the other with a woman’s name, Eliana bat Goel”.
The discovery was made in an area known as the City of David. At this place excavations have been going on for nine years, and it serves as a chronometer for fixing the history of ancient Jerusalem.
“We are in the heart of ancient Jerusalem, the so-called city of David. This term is used in the Bible in relation to this place, says Jan Ciechanowicz. The city here was born and developed in a very small area in this place for thousands of years. Here are ten historical periods ranging from the ninth century BC is only a hundred years after the reign of David and Solomon! We have a much more recent, so to speak, less ancient finds, including the Hasmonean period, and the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and early Islamic. Excavations of each of these periods brought us extremely interesting findings,” says the archaeologist.
Ciechanover says that is extremely rare to find in print the name of the girl: “Very interesting to learn that in ancient times in Jerusalem lived such an influential woman, though we don’t have the slightest idea who this woman was and why she deserved such special right in the society. The status of women in the ancient middle East was usually not particularly high. So it was so exciting to find a seal with a female name. I found that very inspiring, because we know that in that period society was very Patriarchal. Such were in ancient times the entire middle East. But it turns out, were women, able to lead a fairly independent life.”
According to some, Eliana could be like the woman described in Proverbs where it is written “she seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands… her Husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land”. Ciechanover says that the discovery name like raises the past and people from it.
“When you know the person’s name, all the stops being abstract and becomes very individual. Now we know that there were people with such names. I think it’s amazing. And the fact that it’s a woman, I was very, very inspiring!” says Jan Ciechanowicz.