The site of the “Monastery courtyard” at the VII Interregional creative festival of Slavic art “Russian field” tells about the life, history, architecture and life of monasteries and temples of Russia and will be dedicated to the celebration 1030-anniversary of the Baptism of Rus.
On stage will perform the best Orthodox choirs in Russia – the Moscow Danilov, Candlemas and the vysoko-Petrovsky monastery. In addition, the program will be attended by the State Academic choir Russia them. A. Yurlov choir Moscow ensemble of spiritual music “Blagovest”, the choir “HOSANNA”.
The culmination of the program will be a performance of Large joint choir of the Orthodox and Russian Church bells chime. Festival guests will be able to hear one day all the diversity of Russian bell ringing from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. “Russian field” will arrive the famous bell ringers of Russia, and everyone will sing your jingle. Guests will be able to hear the Volga, Kamchatka, Caucasus bells. Specially for Russian chime in “Monastery courtyard” will be installed semisonic unique, specially molded for the Russian chime one of the famous bell studios.
Alekseevskiy Moscow, Danilov, Novospassky and vysoko-Petrovsky monastery, monastery of the Nilo-Stolobenskaya Deserts of the Tver region, temples of the Holy Theotokos in Zyablikova, St. Prince Vladimir in Sochi, St. Seraphim of Sarov in Reeve will become participants of the festival on August 18. The monastery shop offers made according to old recipes cakes, herbal teas, honey, candy, jam and cakes. Here is the opportunity to see a Russian stove, to try to grind the grain in this mill, to master the recipe for the sourdough bread or the monastic art of cooking pancakes.
“Orthodox tradition is one of the main components of Russian culture. We are very pleased that the festival was interested ringers from across the country. Chime “Russian field” is going to be impressive. We invite everyone on August 18 to take in the sights of the big national holiday,” – said the head of the national policy and interregional relations of Moscow Vitaly Suchkov.
The organizer of the large-scale folk festival in the country sponsored by the Department of national policy and interregional relations of the city of Moscow. In 2018 to take part in the “Russian field” have expressed their desire 57 regions of Russia. Headlining the gala concert traditionally become popular performers and choral groups. The program of the festival “Russian field” includes mandatory performance of the Great Russian choir, with over a thousand participants sing favorite songs.
Entrance to the festival is free.
Media accreditation: +7 (495) 615-05-80, +7 (916) 692-03-79, [email protected] Julia IVUS