It seems to me that the family is the path vertically. This ascent, in which there is no return to the starting point, because every point in this path the original. This place and the moment the meeting of three: him, her and God. Every day, every minute, every time.
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The Priest Andrey Mizyuk
July 8, Russia celebrates Day of family, love and fidelity. It is also a day of memory of the Holy Nobleborn princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, in honor of whom, in fact, this holiday is at the state level and appeared.
Why family, love and fidelity is dedicated to a single day – why is it not 365 days. As mother’s day, parents day, a man – why are they not daily? You can’t be a family, loyal and loving only one day.
Yes, I realize that it’s a formality that the care, the sacrifice, the joy of two events is everything that can not be stopped or shown on TV in a separate and special issue. Maybe we need a separate date as a reminder? Because somehow familiar became jammed…
11 years ago, on 8 July, I buried dad. It so happened that he quickly and died. Death broke in and ripped a part of us, and life has completely changed.
All these days before the funeral and during their time with me was my future wife, and it was in those bitter days, I felt that I will not fall, not fall because behind me the walls came down.
And for more than ten years I have this feeling you’re not. Moreover, it is not just a feeling, but a part of me. Bible “it is not good that man should be alone” to me really came through sharp pain, when I felt that in this world I am among the huge number of people was left alone with the trouble. And cry in a week (and where to go, come, came), I could only in her presence.
My parents lived together for 25 years. And I am grateful for this life. Because, despite the difficulties, but it was very difficult, especially in the 90s when my brother and I were teenagers, they were together.
Even now, when my mom 11 years old widow, I see and understand that their marriage is not over, that arm is not released and when there is no father. I can’t explain it, our family was very ordinary, mom came to Church a few years after his father’s death, but somehow I know that once upon a time they in this world met each other, God, and now I realize that all of these a quarter of a century He did not leave. And they did. This amazing love, patience and acceptance of each other, the trials that they endured staying together. And when the earth on the grave became very smooth, I understand that the point of this story is not delivered.
For 8 years I was a priest. 10 years of marriage. We have three children, all boys. When I’m starting to think that I do something meaningful, I remember who in my life really builds up. Understand that the house is what it is and what it has become – it’s not my merit. And if I suffer, then she has to endure not only his, but mine too.
And cope, endure, move on with the feeling of the wall behind. Life – an insidious thing, a lot of things can be lost, something not happy somewhere does not work, but sometimes you blow something somewhere, you are alive, closed and holes no no, although direct-fire hit and the hit was supposed to be in the bullseye. I know it’s a miracle. And in this bundle vertically I sometimes hold the hand, fell into the abyss.
I often have to marry. But only recently I began to understand the greatest signs of this Ordinance.
Marriage crowns in fact martyrdom. And the essence of martyrdom is not that tolerant of each other, no, not each other, but together.
Divorces I’ve seen. Even after the wedding, after the nice stories, when the seemingly all forever bonded and sealed. When this happens, the first leaves not husband and wife. First left It. And ex-spouses go on its very difficult and expensive, sometimes very bitter. Yes, in life there are many a variety of situations. It so happens that one of the spouses there is no other solution and output. For example, if a husband regularly and systematically beats his wife and mocking children, are advised to endure and to maintain such a marriage is a crime. In the first place of the priest.
But I’m not about such cases. I mean, that is called “not converged character”. In marriage, sacrifice self for the sake of the wonderful and mysterious “we”. This is a very serious and painful sacrifice. But this change is important and necessary, because “two become one flesh” is not a sand castle, but the basis of something larger that may not are the imminent result of this temporal life. This is what is being built again. And from time to the Sky.
In my memory there is an amazing history. I went to give communion to a woman. A young woman, but she has multiple sclerosis and the disease progresses. Took me to her husband. He built and equipped the house to make it convenient and affordable for my wife. From this force? As it often happens that families fall apart because of the illness of a spouse. And the victim here, a victim of creation and overcoming. When the pain ceases to be someone’s personal when it for two.
And the other woman called to communion and posobirat husband. A young man suffered a severe stroke. His speech and movement difficult, he can move around in a wheelchair. Asking me to help them with the wedding. In the temple.
Recently served a memorial service at the graves of my classmates, husband and wife. They died in different ways, but with a slight difference, time. I saw her life after his death. I believe in their lives even after death joined them in the grave, next to each other. I don’t believe people in the past tense, my God reveals the secrets of Its creative Studio, nothing and no one is left unwanted and forgotten. And all that is hidden from my eyes and feelings, hidden only because I was too young and unable to accept it and see now. And somehow I think, no, I am even sure that if my earthly journey will end sooner, I’ll never lose that important feeling for me on the wall, behind.
And in this sense is already here, on the banks of the separation and bitterness, I hear the breath of the memory of the wondrous and forgotten garden where the two held hands before a long and difficult road. And then both of them took the hands and led him to the light of Christ. And there is something like this in our Wedding.