Buildings of the Pochayiv monastery was transferred to the UOC until 2052

Pochayiv Lavra

According to the extract from the state register of real rights to immovable property transferred to the UOC until January 1, 2052 with an option to renew, said in Pochaiv the city Council.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church referred to the use of two cathedrals, monastic cells, bell tower, Bishop’s house – all six buildings of Pochayiv Lavra total area of over 7 thousand square meters, reports “TSN”.

The transfer was made in September 2018. The state Registrar Andrew Yaremko, who conducted the check, said: the transfer was done legally, and Laura provided all the necessary documents.

However, the Deputy of the city Council of Pochaev Taras palianytsia, which demonstrated the extract from the state register of journalists, and challenging the legality of the actions of the state Registrar, said that the transfer of the Lavra to be a big problem for the state.

The Ministry of justice, commenting on the transfer, explained that can verify only if you receive a complaint from a person who believes their rights have been violated.

In 2001, the Cabinet of Ministers of the monuments in Kremenets and Pochaev, including Pochayiv Lavra, was included in the Kremenecko-Pochayiv state historic and architectural reserve. By order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 438-R dated 17.07.2003 G. Lavra excluded from the reserve. At the same time, the CMU Resolution No. 1699 dated 29.10.2003, was approved by a “model Treaty on besplatno the use of a religious organization with religious buildings and other property, which is state property”. For its performance, but also on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 65031 from 11.11.2003 g. the Ministry of construction issued order No. 198 on 26.11.2003 “On the transfer to the use of a complex of buildings of the Pochayiv Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.” The contract is valid until January 1, 2052, and may be extended by agreement of the parties. In the summer of 2018, the Ministry of culture asked the government reserve to take the balance of these structures. The state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it is a legal act of recognition and confirmation by the state of emergence, transition or termination of rights to immovable property.

As reported by PWC, informed the deputies of the Ternopil regional Council has demanded to select at the Pochaev Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to cancel the decision in 2003, the decree “On the expulsion from the Kremenecko-Pochayiv state historic and architectural preservation of the buildings of Pochayiv Lavra” and transfer their facilities to the state property, with the aim to continue to provide an opportunity for representatives of other Churches to do service there.

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