Caution – thin ice. How to save fell into the icy water, and not to die

19 Nov. PRAVMIR. Abnormally warm autumn gave way to the first frost. On the rivers and lakes established the first ice – he seems tough, but actually this cover is very fragile. Out on the thin ice can be deadly. According to rescuers, most often among the victims are the fishermen and the children who walk near frozen bodies of water without supervision of parents. To avoid accidents it is possible if to observe safety rules, convinced the staff of the Ministry.


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Going on the ice need to be extremely careful. Safe for human is the ice thickness not less than 10 centimeters in fresh water and 15 cm of salt. At the mouths of rivers and inflows durability of ice is weakened. The ice is fragile in places of the rapid current, beating keys and water runoff, as well as in areas of growth of water vegetation, near to trees and reeds. If the temperature is above 0 degrees keeps more than three days durability of ice decreases on 25 %.

The strength of ice can be defined visually: ice of blue transparent, green shade is strong, and the strength of the ice white color in 2 times less. Ice, with shades of grey, Mat white or yellow, is the most unreliable. Such ice falls without warning crackling.


Never let children on the ice (fishing, skiing, skating) unaccompanied.

Rules of conduct on the ice:

– You can’t go on the ice in the dark and in poor visibility (fog, snow, rain).

– When crossing a river you should use organized ice crossings.

– Forced transition of the reservoir is safest to stick to the beaten paths or to go on already laid track. But if not, it is necessary before you go down on ice, very carefully inspected and outline the way forward.

The ice passage/mzk42.EN

– It is impossible to check the strength of ice kick my feet. If, after the first strong blow with a piece of wood or ski pole will seem a little bit of water, this means that the ice is thin, it can not walk. In this case, you should immediately depart on his own trail to the shore, sliding steps, without tearing off feet from ice and spread them shoulder-width apart, so that the load is distributed over a larger area. Do the same thing when predosteregaet the crackle of ice and the formation of cracks.

– Once on the thin, crackling ice, carefully turn back and sliding steps to get back on the path traversed to the coast.

– On a frozen body of water should carry a durable cord with a length of 20 — 25 meters with big deaf eye at the end and cargo. The cargo will help to throw the cable and fell into the water, comrade, loop is necessary in order that the victim could securely hold, pull her under the arms.

Crossing the pond party, it is necessary to observe the distance from each other (5-6).

– Frozen river (lake) is better to go skiing, with ski bindings need to be undone, if necessary, to reset; ski poles to hold in your hands, not draping loops to the wrists to in case of danger, immediately to throw them away.

Especially careful you have to be in places covered with a thick layer of snow, in places with fast flow and springs discharge near protruding above the surface of shrubs, sedges, grasses, in places of a confluence in the waters of streams, discharge of water by industrial enterprises.

– If you have a backpack, hang it on one shoulder, so you can easily get rid of the cargo in case the ice will fail.

– When fishing on the ice is not recommended to make holes at a distance of 5-6 meters from one another. To avoid trouble, he must be a life jacket or bib, and a rope 15-20 m long with a loop on one end and a weight of 400-500 g on the other.

– It is necessary to know that the man who fell into the icy water, can be chilled in 10-15 minutes, and after 20 minutes to lose consciousness. Therefore, the life of the victim depends on the ingenuity and quick action of rescuers.

– It is forbidden to go on the ice in a condition of alcoholic intoxication, to run and jump across the ice to gather a large number of people at one point, out on thin ice that has formed on rivers with fast current.

What if You fell through the ice?

Not to panic, not to do sharp movements, stabilise breath.

– Widely spread arms out to the side and try to cling to the edge of the ice, not to dive.

– Possible to move to the edge of the hole, where the current will carry You away under the ice.

– Try carefully, without breaking off the edge, no sudden movements, napovzayuchy Breasts, to lie on the edge of the ice, to throw him for one, and then the other leg. If the ice stood, slowly rolled away from the edge and crawl to the shore.

– To move in the direction where they came from, because there the ice is already tested.

Assistance to the victim fell through the ice:

– To arm with any long stick, a Board, a pole or rope. It is possible to connect together scarfs, belts or clothes.

– Crawl up to the hole very carefully in the mirror.

– Report to the victim, shouting that they were going to help him, it will give him strength, confidence.

– If You don’t have one, then get on the ice and move for each other.


– To enclose under itself skis, plywood or a Board to increase the area of support and crawl on them.

– 3-4 meters to reach the affected pole, a Board, throw a rope or scarf or any other improvised means.

– Feeding the victim a hand unsafe, as approaching the hole, You increase the load on the ice and not only will not help, but you run the risk of fall.

– Gently pull out the victim on ice and together on all fours to get out of the danger zone.

– Deliver the victim in a warm (heated) room. Assist: remove and squeeze all the clothes, possibly change into dry clothes and wrap with plastic (there is a greenhouse effect).

– Call an ambulance – 112.

Rescuers work through the victim fell through the ice

The provision of first aid to the injured:

– If liquid gets in the airway, the victim must clean the mouth, put his stomach on the knee so that the head hung down to the ground and, pressing vigorously on the chest and back, to remove water from stomach and lungs.

– To begin to perform artificial respiration.

– Immediately call the ambulance.

Safe stay of the person in the water:

– When the water temperature is 24 °With a safe stay: 7-9 hours.

– At a water temperature of 5-15 °C – from 3.5 hours to 4.5 hours.

– Water temperature 2-3 °C becomes not safe for humans after 10-15 min.

– When the water temperature is minus 2 °With a rigor may occur in 5-8 min.


Source: Ministry of emergency situations of the Yaroslavl region, Russia.

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