Charity project in Armenia: a dining room for the needy

On 14 October in Gyumri, Armenia, the Adventist Church first organized a soup kitchen for poor and homeless people.

In the city there are many people who suffered during the earthquake and still live in ruins, in dire conditions. These people are believers invited to the Church for free Lunches.

The invited people had the opportunity not only to dine but also to listen to nice Christian music, talk, pray together. Brothers and sisters answered questions, gave Christian books.

After this charity dinner, many people invited the pastor to their home to pray for them, their loved ones and especially for people with disabilities.

The visitors thanked the workers of the soup kitchen for providing food, attention, warmth and care. It is encouraging that two of them the second week in a row come to Church on a solemn Sabbath service.

This project became for the believers a good opportunity to preach about Jesus Christ and His teachings not only with words, but good deeds. Needy people were convinced that God loves them and cares for them through his Church.

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