“A super Christmas with Superbook” — so was named the new concert circus tour “orphans Promise” and the project “Superbook” Association “Emmanuel” (CBN-Ukraine). Performances took place from December 24, 2017 January 20, 2018 in twelve Ukrainian cities, and covered the entire country — from the extreme point South-East of Ukraine to the extreme Western border.

From almost the extreme point of the South-East of Ukraine — Berdyansk to almost the extreme Western point — Mukachevo, performances in 12 Ukrainian cities. The audience participated in charity events, was awarded lauterach, watching rousing performances received Christmas gifts, and so much more interesting!
“Supermodelo with Superbook” is a new view. With two circus — Anatoly and Natasha — who joined the concert Department of Association “Emmanuel”, a new production built on circus numbers.
The story that lies at the heart of the play, intertwined with the plot of the cartoon series “Superbook” “the First Christmas”. And everyone who is here, remembers the main idea that it is more blessed (better) to give, to do good, it’s made to you always comes back.
In many places of performances were the kids who wrote letters to the main character “Superbook” Robic, and for them it was a special meeting and joy.
“That’s all that can be measured facts and figures. The rest — from the sky we will see! 7182 the audience — and it is very filled halls. 4238 pomolimsya — is evidence — PALMS — come and see and count, — shared the head of the project “Superbook” Inna Cherepova. And the gifts ended up as drop off. And a lot of contacts, and invitations to the Clubs “Superbook”…

Every city had their happy meeting children with Robic. For example, in Mukachevo chop came sister and brother with mom. Anne-Marie Robic constantly calling and sending lovely pictures. After the concert she called and said, “I even this could not even dream that would go to a concert and stand on the stage together with Robic and his friends!”

The team of “Superbook” is very grateful to God for this Christmas tour and for all the children who attended the concerts.

According to information from departments of the Association “Emmanuel”

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