Conservative Anglicans have urged the Archbishop of Canterbury to repent

Almost two thousand conservative Anglicans from 50 countries gathered this week in Jerusalem. GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference — “global Anglican future conference”) represents approximately 50 million Anglicans around the world. The organization was created 10 years ago to protect traditional Christian teaching and the centrality of the Bible as opposed to Western Anglicans which accept gay marriage and homosexuality.

The head of the GAFCON called the Bishop of Canterbury, the head of the Anglican Church, to repent of deviation from the teachings of Scripture.

“We would like to know what the majority of people, which he heads, are unhappy wherever he leads them. We would like to change the trajectory, that is clearly declared his repentance,” explained Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, head of GAFCON.

By the way, many conservative Anglicans live in Asia and Africa. This is what is called “Global South”, where Christianity is growing very quickly.

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