The President of the United States Donald trump proves he is a fierce defender of freedom of religion. And he speaks openly about the importance of spirituality and faith.
“I was sworn on the Bible, which we read as a child mother. And this belief lives in my heart every day, says Donald trump, the 45th President of the United States. — There are five words that I hear most often when I travel around the country, and every time they touch my heart: “I always pray for you,” he says of his Christian faith.
Thousands of people gathered at the annual National prayer Breakfast, he said no money is indicator of success: “We so easily forget that our quality of life is not determined by material success and spiritual success. I assure you that. I’m telling you this as someone who has material success.”
According to trump, the freedom of Americans come from God, not of man: “Among those freedoms is the right to worship God according to our beliefs. That’s why I’m going to reverse and completely eliminate the Johnson amendment to our representatives of the faith could speak freely and without fear of punishment. I’ll do it. Remember!”
The Johnson amendment is a tax rule that prohibits nonprofit organizations, including churches, to campaign for or against certain political candidates. Many believe that it limits their freedom of speech. Donald trump has repeated his promise to protect religious freedom in America and abroad — the freedom, which, according to him, is currently under threat as never before.
“My administration will do everything in its power to protect religious freedom in our country”, — declared the President of the trump.
Some Americans consider religious freedom a certain code of discrimination. Could you reveal the President’s views on this confrontation?
“In our country there is freedom of religion, and I believe that people should have the opportunity to practice their religion, Express their religion, to exercise their faith without any repression — reveals the President’s views on this confrontation Sean Spicer, a spokesman for the White house. And I think sometimes the pendulum swings the other way in the name of political correctness. I believe both the President and Vice President understand that one of the features of our country that make it and our democracy great is our ability to Express our religion, to exercise faith, therefore to live in accordance with it. That’s what, in my opinion, the most important thing. Whether a small business owner or an employee, he wants to be able to some extent to Express their faith in the company. But too often these voices are muted in the name of political correctness”.
The text of the decree of the President about freedom of religion became known just before the prayer Breakfast, but, says Spicer, while there is no specific work plans in this direction.
“We must never cease to ask God for wisdom to serve the community in accordance with His will,” — says the President of the United States Donald trump.