In America, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald trump is courting the Christians, promising to protect religious freedom. Recently he spoke in front of hundreds of leaders of Evangelical churches in Orlando, Florida. Trump also gave an exclusive interview to CBN news, which has made a surprising confession.

Donald trump on the scene courting the Christians during the election campaign. Speaking to Evangelical leaders, the Republican presidential candidate said in the classic “trunovskom” style — off the cuff.
The highlight of trump’s speech: repeal of the Johnson amendment: “If I am elected President, one of the first tasks on which I will work will be the complete repeal of the Johnson amendment”.

The amendment of 1954 was proposed by Lyndon Johnson, the former at that time a Senator. It restricts the freedom of speech of pastors. In fact, threatening the churches and non-profit organizations with loss of tax-exempt status in the event their statements for or against a particular political candidate.

“This amendment affects the organization under paragraph 501, C-3, that is, those that have tax-exempt status. Their rights are very much infringed, and it makes them silent. The right to freedom of speech are deprived of the good people who say good things, not bad. And if I can overturn this amendment, it will make a great case for religion as a whole. And it’s so important for me,” says Donald trump.

Trump knows that it really can induce Christians to leave the churches and go to the polls.

“The words that I have said today, is very important. And I was pleased that they were met with a standing ovation. People understand me, — says Donald trump after the show. — I think that would be a huge achievement if we can do it. And I know we’ll do it in my election. That’s why I say that the 8th of November, everyone should go and vote. Because four years ago, Evangelical Christians simply do not vote!”

Trump is trying to change that at these meetings, demonstrating the softer and humble side of his character.

News CBN: “In his speech at the National Convention of the Republican party you thanked Evangelical Christians for their support, but added: “Though I don’t always deserve.” Why do you say that?”

Donald trump responds: “Because I believe that I am imperfect. Moreover, I think that perhaps I am less perfect than some people. But I have certain abilities. I am able to do good deeds. Think I’ll be able to do something that will really benefit both Evangelical Christians and others.”

Now, what about the speech trump telling the Evangelical leaders:

“His speech was very modest. It was not a campaign speech,” — says Matt Floyd, pastor of Baptist Church “Golgotha”.

“Donald trump is not trying to be a preacher-Evangelist. He says he understands our problems. He knows what worries us and is going to protect us,” said the Bishop Earl Walker Jackson (“STAND”).

There are those who are willing to ignore the shortcomings of the trump.

CBN news: “you Know, many Christians believe you elected this time. Can you believe this? Have you ever thought that maybe God called you?”

Donald trump: “Well, I heard about this from some from pastors, from other people. But actually I don’t even want to think about it, because it is too big a burden. I can only say that if you can make that promise… Because I’m not just talking with the military, and not only about how to ensure our security, because our country is in a very poor state in many respects.”

He has a divine calling or not, but trump calls himself a friend of the Christians.

CBN news: “with regard to religious freedom, you have mentioned about her. Many entrepreneurs-Christians are attacked for what they do not want to support gay couples do not want to provide them with services. Earlier you promised to protect these entrepreneurs. How you could to protect them?”

Donald trump: “I’m going to provide such protection and to work in this direction, which is called the priority today is the protection of religious freedom.”

This is what I want to hear Evangelical Christians. But Trump still has work to do. Most of these pastors on his side, but admitted that it was not their first choice.

“Some questions from Donald trump don’t know what to expect. This will become clear only later. But it — Hillary Clinton — I know exactly what to expect, and it’s awful in all respects,” says Matt Floyd.

“We can give vent to the voices of great men: pastors, clergymen, priests, rabbis, representatives of religion. I think I can be proud of,” — said during his speech, Donald trump.

It was a step in the right direction for Donald trump, but of course only time will tell, will lead to success in the election.

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