Photographer Angela Parker takes pictures of kids with disabilities. On the pictures of her children to conquer the space, meet unicorns and swim in hurricanes. Angela believes that its project supports families where children were born special, and gives them hope.
- “Ordinary does not take, and this is it?” – on the decision to adopt the family had three hours
- “I am very comfortable and happy to live” – mother hides his sons with down syndrome and their future plans
- My name is Heidi. My life is just as important as the lives of others
- First moms think: “you’d step it up and put on his feet” – which in Russia know about Spina bifida
American photographer Angela Parker makes fabulous shots of children with special needs. Now in her “Precious child” picture 23.
The idea came to Angela in February, when she thought how her photography can change someone’s life. Finally, she realized that her Studio allows you to take wonderful pictures of the children that cannot sit.
“I raise awareness about children with special needs, give hope and support of the family and at the same time bring them a piece of art that they will cherish their entire lives,” says Angela about the purpose of his project.
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
Angela along with her parents discussing every new idea, and invented how to beat the medical characteristics of each child. For example, one of the kids pictured as an astronaut to his helmet and the tube looked organically.
“This baby looks like a boy Aug in the movie “Miracle” (a film about a boy with treacher Collins syndrome, which he has a deformed face), who wears a space helmet, so this scene is especially suited for him! explains the photographer. – When he grows up and sees this photo, I hope he will believe that for him all things are possible”.
Another photo Angela calls “Fairy forget-me-not”. It is about a girl who is expected to live no more than 6-12 months. “Her name is Alice rose, so I added a photo of roses. She became a blessing for the family that decided to adopt her because of her special needs. And, of course, she’s a fairy forget-me-not. Although maybe soon she will leave us, never forget.”
Other symbolic elements in the photo room 321 in the child with down syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 21) and the constellation in the form of partial heart pictured with a child with a heart defect.
When parents see pictures of their children, they often shed tears, tells Angela: “For most families it is the only professional photos of their child.”
That’s what the parents of the heroes Angela talked about their children:
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
“Grayson was diagnosed with “trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)” on the fourth day of life. Grayson has no skills that are available to most babies his age. We were told that we never leave the neonatal resuscitation baby. He proved the doctors were wrong, and he is already 6 months! He gets stronger every day! I believe there is a reason why God gave us this precious baby, and I’m glad He did it.”
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
“My son Goldenhar syndrome – a genetic disorder which leads to impaired development of the face and other anomalies. You see, my son Alexander – my Golden soldiers, and I, his mother, who is desperately trying to grow it and at the same time terrified of it. I’m afraid of people’s reactions to it, and it makes me sad that people will judge him before you meet him. He will melt the heart of everyone who wants to know what it is for a boy, but some people rush through life and prefer to see people through the eyes, not the heart.”
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
“Our sweet Josie was born January 2, 2018, and to our surprise, she was diagnosed with down syndrome. We spent a month in neonatal resuscitation, and then we were sent home to wait for open heart surgery.
In may she had an operation that restored her heart and saved her life. Her recovery was nothing short of a miracle, and now it thrives. In the short 5 months she taught us all how beautiful life is and how happy we are that she has become part of our family. Although we still have to face challenges, its future filled with hope and possibilities.”
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
Ellis hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Also she is blind. “Ellis is likely to be with us long, but she’s the best blessing we have ever received. It teaches us and the other two children, that means hope, joy and love every day.”
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
Elijah was diagnosed with Crouzon syndrome. “The most important thing to remember about special children, their disease does not define them. They are much more than their diagnosis, they have something to offer. They are beautiful, strong, loving, kind, caring, sweet, courageous, but most importantly, they are ideal,” says his family.
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
This kid was born with hearing loss and facial paralysis, so it needs to be fed through a tube. “Given everything he’s been through, I’ve never seen a child more happy than he. He always smiles and laughs through the pain,” his mother said.
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
Evie mosaic form of trisomy of chromosome 9 and epilepsy, hip dysplasia, difficulties in the development of the brain and vision and laryngomalacia. Evie must eat through a feeding tube and round-the-clock oxygen. “She is far behind, but she was smiling, squealing, kicking, riding and developing every day!” – says her mother.
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
This girl was born without a pituitary gland, and every day receives injections of hormones. “It is unique, and this is the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. Her pituitary gland doesn’t mean that something is wrong, it’s just the difference, because all babies differ from each other,” says her mother.
The Precious Baby Project/Angela Forker
“On the ultrasound at 20 weeks we found out that our baby has spina bifida. At the same time we began to prepare for the fetal surgery. After 2 weeks of testing by the grace of God we’ve both been through a procedure that could potentially change our lives. Operation happily ended may 30, at the children’s hospital in Cincinnati. Vivienne rose was born at 34 weeks on August 12, and during its short stay in the pediatric intensive care has amazed all the doctors and nurses.
She was discharged home on August 30 without the need for additional medical interventions related to her diagnosis. She amazes us every day and teaches us that parental love is unconditional. We can’t wait to see how she will show the world that if you are given the chance, you can do anything”.
“I am the mother of 11 children, and my life is already filled with many challenges and excitements. Suddenly, last year was harder than the previous one. In August I was admitted to the hospital a few days later I was diagnosed with septic shock.
After 3 weeks in intensive care I returned home and to his surprise discovered that she was pregnant. Even more surprisingly, the pregnancy proceeded as usual, unless you consider a Central venous catheter for three months and recovery from osteomyelitis. Then only 9 weeks till the da I had a second bout of sepsis. After all these upheavals we met our Koya. We immediately realized that he had a trisomy of chromosome 21, down syndrome. We fell in love with him. Of course, we are blessed.”