It is symbolic that on the day when the United Nations denied any connection of the Jews with the Temple Mount, were found the historical discovery that refutes this assertion. This finding confirms that the Jewish people have been associated with the Jerusalem 2,700 years ago. A small document of papyrus contains another early reference to East Jerusalem in addition to the Bible.

“This was found only two papyrus, written in Hebrew relating to that period. And perhaps most important is that we first meet the name Jerusalem in Hebrew,” says the researcher shvidkov Oren Ableman.

The style of writing and carbon analysis took the artifact to the time of the first Jewish temple of the seventh century BC, it is reported on the delivery of the king vessels with wine in Jerusalem.

“Document – confirmation of delivery from the place called Na Arto. Note that two vessels of wine had to be sent from Na Arata in Jerusalem,” says Eitan Klein of the Offices of the Israel antiquities authority.

This discovery, the Israel antiquities authority confiscated Palestinian looters who were digging without a license.

“It has become clear that in our hands we got something very, very important. We have read the document and understood its significance,” continues Eitan Klein. He said that the document found in the same area, where they found the dead sea scrolls decades ago.

“Until today, the scrolls were found only in the desert because the conditions in it are probably best suited for this organic material,” says curator Panina shore.

She argues that this does not mean that there are no other documents, but these are preserved because of the dry climate: “This particular papyrus is actually a miracle because we are talking about papyrus of the time of the first temple.”

The researcher scrolls Oran Abelman said that the connection of the Jews to Jerusalem is clear: “About this period we know from various historical sources, both biblical and external sources that in this period there was a state of the Jews”.

Shore says that in addition to the connection with Jerusalem, this document reveals to us a new understanding of the role of women: “the Woman was an officer of the king. So we’re talking not just about Jerusalem but about the women who occupied high positions,” she says.

The experts agreed that the recent UNESCO decision was not based on facts.

“I’m an archaeologist. I’m just giving an explanation of all the reasons why this discovery is so important, and why it is dated to the time of the first temple,” says Panin shore.

Abelman says that this is an important discovery not only for Jewish history but for the development of the world.

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