Archimandrite Georgy (Stets)
11 Jul 82-m to year of life has departed to the Lord, the spiritual father of monks of the Pochaev monastery Archimandrite George (stets).
In the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra Archimandrite George stayed for almost 60 years, according to Information-enlightenment Department of the UOC.
Father George (stets Galaktion D.) was born 18 Nov 1935 in Kopashnovo village, Khust district, Transcarpathian region. In obedience to the Pochaev Lavra was adopted on 20 February 1959.
In 1960, the Abbot of the monastery Archimandrite Sebastian was tonsured a 25-year-old boy into monasticism. Two years later, the monk was ordained a deacon, and later a hieromonk by the Bishop of Lviv and Ternopil Gregory.
The priest together with the brethren survived all the difficult times of persecution from the godless regime, have always stood for the Orthodox faith and piety. Before you go to the police for questioning, father George took a blessing from the monk Amphilochius (in those days, even the father of Joseph) – the main defender and champion of Orthodoxy in Western Ukraine in those days. “Go and fear nothing,” he admonished his father Joseph.
For his dedicated service and numerous services to the Church Archimandrite George has received many Church awards, had the right to wear the second cross with the decoration, was awarded the order of the PDP. Sergei III. Many years he bore the obedience rural Dean, chaplain and steward of the monastery. 27 years, father George was a constant Confessor of the brotherhood of the Holy monastery of Pochaev.
17 may 2018 the priest was tonsured into the Great schema.
July 11, communion of the Holy mysteries, Archimandrite George (stets) peacefully went to be with the Lord.