The letter, in which Patriarch Bartholomew threaten the Primate of the UOC ultimatums and demands to do with schismatics, his Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry put it back in the envelope and sent to Istanbul at the address of the sender. Reported Information-enlightenment Department of the UOC.
Become aware of how his Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry has responded to a provocative letter from Istanbul by Patriarch Bartholomew. Recently, the text of his letter was in the information space. In particular, it contains passages like: from now on, the UOC passed “in complete dependence upon our most Holy Apostolic and Patriarchal Ecumenical Throne”, “the condescension in calling You by his Eminence Metropolitan of Kyiv”, “exhort You and those with You, to enter into communion with the former [Metropolitan] Philaret of Kiev and former [Metropolitan] Lviv Macarius and all their followers” and the like.
The Primate of the UOC, after reviewing the contents of this letter, put it in an envelope and mailed back to the addressee, that is, in Istanbul.
Learning of this, a number of bishops, received the invitation to participate in the so-called unification Church from Patriarch Bartholomew did the same, sending an invitation to Istanbul for Fanar.
Its position on the future of the so-called unification of the Cathedral expressed the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church soon, December 7, 2018. According to the Decision of the Synod, the Patriarch of Constantinople has no canonical right to convene any meeting in Ukraine, as it has no right to call for such meetings of bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The planned “unification Council” is considered illegal Assembly, so the bishops, clergy, monastics and laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is blessed to participate in it.
In addition, members of the Holy Synod expressed concern over numerous cases of pressure on bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to force to participate in the above meeting. “This is a direct inducement to the violation of the bishops’ oath, which the bishops are obliged to obey even under threat of death,” reads the Synod’s decision.
Recall the last time held the interrogations and “conversations” of the bishops and priests of the UOC, carried out searches of the diocesan offices, temples and houses of the clergy, was carried out, obviously organized from a single center, pickets in the regions, the media spread a provocative article against individual bishops and the like.
It should be noted that recently, in 2016, the Meeting of primates of local Orthodox Churches in Chambesy, the Patriarch Bartholomew on behalf of all the primates of the local Churches said: “We all recognize Metropolitan Onufry the head of the only canonical Orthodoxy in Ukraine.”