Horrible people, or How I picked up newborn puppies

Picked up, nursed, washed, went and then went on the warpath with horrible people who kick puppies. Find and make everything to tear as Tuzik warmer… Why she passed says Anna Utkina.

Photo: unsplash

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How I became subcommi

Anna Utkina. Photo: Anna Danilova

A neighbor threw a box of puppies. Put near the shop with a note: “Born 2 Jul at can not keep, healthy, affectionate.” Puppies barely opened his eyes. Put as soon as the tear happened from his mother. Compassionate passers-by put a plate of food, put the next towel to be warm. Someone hid them on top of paper handkerchiefs. Probably came from the store, I saw that the puppies are shaking, and nothing more warm with them was not. But they still shook. From fear, from hunger, because did not know how to eat themselves and had to feed them with a pipette. Passers-by about it, of course, did not know. Few people dare to look in that box.

Unlike those who do not complain of poor vision, I did not realize that there are animals. Blindly it seemed to me that crying baby. In horror I raked deposits of paper and at the bottom saw two tiny wet lump. They stood for almost a day. I’m in a rage, grabbed the box and ran to the veterinary clinic where the lumps washed, dried, fed, and out of pity gave me a carrier, a tiny bottle and mix for puppies – “just don’t throw them back.” So I became a large “abakumovi”.

Dogs I never expected, so I took them temporarily, not trying on on itself laurels of Mother Teresa and knowing what to keep not. Hugging two tiny calf nursing on their hands, as more recently the younger son, trying to pour a drop of milk in their toothless rocky, I was filled with noble, as I thought, with rage to their former owner.

Look what good! They took the dogs to certain death. Tore the puppies from mom. Drown it, so, too merciful. Put to sleep – it’s expensive and lazy. And stand on the street – please.

Some compassionate fool like me take. And I have children, work, moving and my husband is a geologist came for a short vacation. Instead of romantic to walk with him in the rain in the parks, reading to each other ENU, I’m hiding in the robe of puppies, fearing thunderstorms.

And I went out on the warpath

Two days later, the dogs-babies I gave them the names of the – bead and the Baby, and then went on the warpath! With their former hostess. Passers-by that he put the plate and check who is sitting there lazy. With the cashiers in the store. At least in the dressing room box brought! Not seen that? The kids freeze.

The first thing I landed on the security guard of the store if he saw who put the box. He shook his head – “you have not heard about any puppies, goodbye mam”. “Lies. Then never did not buy. Their squeaking was heard for two blocks,” the vengeful I thought.

Not seen cashiers and consultants, but after hearing my questioning, woman, piercing, took me by the arm and was taken to tell the puppies left her roommate. Carried a box early in the morning because her dog, a purebred, fell victim to unauthorized love in the country. We showered the owner of the dog in the most unflattering epithets. I was proud of myself! The ingenious Hidalgo, who calculated the attacker.

There were those who gave the birds the cat food – I had rebuked them. Dogs can begin indigestion. Rebuked and friend who, as it turned out, saw the box, but deliberately did not look who is sitting there, because he, though a pity there is nowhere to take. You might think that I was much! Yes, I have in each room sat the child, the closet, kin, bedside table, sofa, chair and box from under the refrigerator, that “someday, perhaps, on the weekend, we need to understand”.

After a few chewed-up books, visits to the vet, groomer, special dog photographer and the empty purse, I managed to see the culprit of their misfortunes. I recognized her immediately, could not even show me a woman who left a box at the store… She was on the leash of two dogs, one of which resembled a puppy-Bead as a twin. The other dog, not sparkling beauty, the elderly and the already toothless, hobbled nearby. The hostess was obviously hard to walk, she was limping slightly, leaning with one hand on a cane and the other clutching two leashes. In the package from the store the only lonely hung Bank of sour cream.

Yes, we would never…

I wanted to meet her and give her everything, but missed her, only patted on the head a dog that is clearly more recently nursed puppies. The dog itself came up to me and shoved his wet nose in his hand. I probably smelled of her puppies…

Yes, we would never throw a box, not screaming at my children and certainly would not have done an abortion. Not marrying the “wrong person”, not be divorced, would not have fallen to the trap of the fraudsters and would have found a way to make money, not “begged” them from others in case of a sudden illness. We would insure the property, everything thought through in the course of repair, not flooded would the neighbors wouldn’t come with abuterol, and contact, would put the waiter in his place, because we are not like them.

“I would never,” so often talk about it “prosperous” we are, forgetting about us, came as “horrible people” in a fit of despair.

What would make an elderly lonely woman in the apartment with two dogs and two puppies. Maybe she didn’t have the Internet to find them a home or money for food. Maybe her dog never ran away, and then dug a hole in the fence and succumbed to the surging feelings for the neighbor’s mongrel Pedigree… it was still possible to sell.

I came back home, and the puppies jumped around me. One of them suddenly whined and tried to cling to my pants. I guess I smelled like my mom.

The box with the pups emit only “horrible people”, but how many of us, hand on heart, offered to help a neighbor?

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