Ramadan, a period of prayer and fasting for millions of Muslims around the world began last week. But pray are not only Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of Christians will participate in the annual 30 days of prayer for the Muslim world. This is the time when Christians pray that God will reveal himself to their neighbours-Muslims.
“We want to see as a result of their search for God they have opened their eyes and they could see who Jesus was, that they realize the very essence of Christianity. So we want to pray that God was doing something special”, says David Curry, President of the organization “Open doors”.
About a hundred thousand copies of the “Prayer leadership” of this movement spread in the United States and Canada.
Learn more about the need to pray for the Muslim world and make this prayer part of your prayer life. Will help you in this material “World Christian news”.
Here you will find an interview with an officer of the organization “Voice of the martyrs,” Todd Nettleton about what Ramadan is and why it’s a very important time of prayer for Muslims.
“In this period we need to pray that God the God of the Bible opened the eyes of the Muslims during their prayer for God’s favor, and in fact they give it to them, that is opened to Muslims the gospel of Jesus Christ,” says writer Joel Rosenberg.
An interview with Joel about an unprecedented move of God in the Muslim world, please click here.
“We know that around 7 million people, and that more than half of them actively watched the prayer and participated in it. Ten ministries from around the world came together. A delightful feature of social media that they were able to unite and lead the believers in intercessory prayer for the salvation of Muslims in the middle East — in Iran, Afghanistan and even here in America,” says Alicia Bascom, media Manager “CBN News”.
About the specifics of prayer for the Muslim world two years ago, see and read here.