Austria became the 16th country in Europe and the 26th country in the world where officially allowed same-sex marriages.
The constitutional court of Austria has provided the opportunity for same-sex couples to officially marry from 1 January 2019.
First registration was held in the Austrian city Velden 5 minutes after the onset of 2019, said on Tuesday the Austrian newspaper Der Standard.
“They were four years engaged and now married – told in the message. Danielle Pajer, Nicole Kopaonik became the first same-sex couple who have used the opportunity given by the Constitutional court for registration of marriages. 5 minutes after midnight both said “Yes.” The pair will now carry the name of Kopaonik”.
Note that this is not the first officially registered in the country same-sex marriage. In 2018, two women together with four other same-sex couples, with the support of the Committee “Lambda” protecting the rights of LGBT people, filed a lawsuit in the Austrian constitutional court. As a result of consideration of a case the constitutional court allowed the registration of marriages for same-sex couples from 1 January 2019, and five couples were plaintiffs allowed to get married in 2018.
Austria became the 16th country in Europe and the 26th country in the world where officially allowed same-sex marriages.
As reported by the SPM, in early December in Austria was a scandal because of a rock concert that took place in the Vienna Cathedral St. Stephen’s Cathedral with the blessing of Archbishop of Vienna and Primate of the Catholic Church of Austria cardinal Christoph Shonborn. Faithful Catholics saw in the event the elements of Satanism and called it a sacrilege, a blasphemy and mockery of the temple space.