In Belgrade, the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Royal family has published the book “the Holy King”. A book on the life and feat of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, issued by the publishing house “Bernard” with the assistance of the Society of Tsar Nicholas (Serbia) and the bookstore, “Sacristy duhovnog good” from Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
This publication contains previously not known to the Serbian public the facts of the biography of Nicholas II, sermons, and articles by well known spiritual authors. In the book predostavleny texts as witnesses to the tragic events of the early twentieth century and contemporary authors – historians, theologians, and scholars dealing with the topic of the martyrdom of the Emperor and his family. The text is accompanied by a family photo album of Tsar Nicholas, tsarina Alexandra and their children.
14 July 2018 at the ascension Church in the centre of Belgrade presentation of the book “the Holy King”.
The new edition was presented by the compiler and translator Ranko gojkovic, chief editor of the publishing house “Bernard” Nicola Drobnjakovic and famous Serbian preacher, priest Oliver Subotic.