July 2, 2018, the day of the 15th anniversary of the finding of the relics of St. Sergius, presbyter Rakovskovo, with the blessing of Metropolitan of Tallinn and all Estonia Eugene Bishop of Narva and Prigodskiy Lazarus and the vicar of the Tallinn diocese Bishop Martucci have Serviceversion divine Liturgy at the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin of the Estonian town of Rakvere, reports patriarhiei.
Bishops concelebrated: Archpriest Alexander Lebedev, rector of the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin of Rakvere; priest Vladimir Kholod, rector of the Church of the Holy righteous John Konstantinovo in the city of locks; the priest mark Niinepuu, rector of the Church of the Transfiguration in Kohtla-järve; priest Aristarchus Swiatecki, cleric of the Tallinn Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Protodeacon Dimitri Ogoltsov, and deacon Victor Ivaneev and John, Tulenko.
After out after the communion verse, was read the message of Metropolitan of Tallinn Eugene.
After the divine Liturgy before the relics of the Holy Martyr Sergius Rakovskovo a prayer service was held. Bishop Lazar of Narva congratulated all on a holiday.
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Swarnamukhi Sergius florinsky was sentenced to death on 30 December 1918 for counter-revolutionary activities according to decree No. 11, dated December 10, 1918, which stated that “priests of all religions as distributors of false doctrines are declared counter-revolutionaries, and hence the enemies of the working people.” The order was executed in Palermo forest on the outskirts of Wesenberg (Rakvere). Currently, the place of martyrdom of the priest a memorial sign.
On 2 July 2003 with the blessing and under the leadership of Metropolitan of Tallinn and all Estonia Cornelius was excavated at the burial site of the Martyr Sergius at the Central cemetery of the city of Rakvere.
In the excavation took part: priest Alexander Lebedev, rector of the Church of the Nativity of the city of Rakvere; priest Boris Merlin, the Abbot of Holy Trinity Church in türi; priest Nikolai Terentiev, Dean of IDA-Virumaa, rector of the Church in sillamäe; priest Vitaly Gavrilov, rector of the Church of the Narva icon of the Mother of God in the city of Narva; priest Alexei Kolosov, rector of the parish of the great Martyr and healer Panteleimon Paldiski; deacon Andrei Kilin, cleric of Narva Cathedral of the Resurrection; S. A. Belyaev, archaeologist, senior researcher of the Institute of General history, RAS, Commission from the city Council the city of Rakvere, consisting of four people.
At 9.45 in the morning was a moleben to the Holy and the continuous reading by the priests of the gospel was initiated excavations. At 17.30 the relics brought to the surface, while singing the glorification of the Holy was transported to the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary city of Rakvere and installed at high place in the altar. Then in front of the newfound relics of St. Martyr Sergius was made public prayer. Around the temple stood a fragrance similar to the smell of the world.