In Karelia, on the shore of Syamozero prayer honored the memory of dead children


18 June 2018, the second anniversary of the tragedy on the Syamozero (Karelia), near the chapel in honor of the Mother of God icon “joy and consolation” on the shore of the lake near the D. qudaamah was made a funeral memorial service, reports patriarhiei.

With the blessing of Metropolitan of Petrozavodsk and Karelian Constantine the funeral service was conducted by the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in the village Asshole (Pryazhinsky district of the Republic of Karelia) priest Sergey Teploukhov.

At the memorial service was attended by parents and relatives of the drowned students. Their arrival from Moscow and stay in the Republic of Karelia was hosted by the government of the Republic of Karelia. Relatives of the dead children brought the gift of the chapel of the icon of the Guardian angel.

On the banks of Syamozero sounded hymns performed by St. Sergius of children’s and youth choir from the village Zdekhovo Moscow region. Young singers came to Karelia for participation in the choir festival-contest “Young voices Onego”.

Upon completion of the service the ceremony of laying flowers to the memorial stone erected next to the chapel.

18 June 2016 47 children in the children’s recreation camp “the Park hotel Syamozero” from Moscow and Moscow region went on a raft and two boats in the water hike in the company of several adults. Boats overturned, killing 14 children aged 12 to 15 years.

Condolences to the family and friends of the victims on the Syamozero in Pryazhinsky district of Karelia has expressed his Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill.

Websites of Pereyaslavl and Petrozavodsk dioceses

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