In Moscow it is planned the first meeting of the Orthodox of the Central Asian communities.
The meeting will be held on September 16, Sunday, at 17:00 in the Church of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow (Nakhimovskiy Prospekt, 8).
It is open to baptized Christians of Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other, and all still only speculating and interested in Christianity.
We also are waiting for those who know the languages of these countries and wish to participate in the activities of the Church among these peoples.
The meeting will be organized a memorial dinner, an acquaintance, a story about the history of Orthodoxy in Central Asia. Discussion of plans for the beginning of worship in the languages of Central Asia. As well as presenting memorable gifts.
Additional information by phone: 8 962 939 08 02, priest Dionisy Grishkov