24 July 2018 in the International multimedia press center MIA “Russia today” held a press-conference devoted to 1030 anniversary of the Baptism of Rus. The main celebration is timed to the date will be July 28, the Day of the baptism of Rus, reports patriarhiei.
The event will be attended by:
- Vladimir Legoyda, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church and society and the media;
- priest Alexander Volkov, the head of the Press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia;
- Sergei Obryvalin, Deputy Minister of culture of the Russian Federation;
- Vitaly Suchkov, head of the national policy and interregional relations of Moscow city;
- Vladislav parsley, Professor of St. Tikhon Orthodox humanitarian University.
Accreditation: +7 (495) 645-64-72; e-mail: [email protected]. Entrance only for the representatives of mass media upon presentation of passport and press card, proving the identity of the journalist to the media from whom he is accredited.
Beginning at 12.30.
Address: Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard, 4 (Glass hall).