In Naked Pier believers of the UOC held a rally in defense of unborn children

Share “the Holy gospel in every home” in Golaya Pristan

Action “Golaya Pristan for life” and “the Holy gospel in every home” was conducted by the community of St. Seraphim Church in the celebration of the day of the city Naked Pier.

The event was held on 29 September with the blessing of Metropolitan of Kherson and Tauride John, the press service of the diocese.

Action in defense of unborn children this year were held in Hola Prystan for the first time. The audience handing out leaflets, provided for action by the diocesan Department for family Affairs.

In the framework of the charitable action “the Holy gospel in every home” to residents and guests of the city gave the Holy gospel.

The rector of the Church Archpriest Gennady Shkil was near the point of dispensing, communicate with the audience, answered their questions.

The priest reminds us from the beginning of 2018 in the world, there were more than 31 million abortions. To protect life in the womb, Department for family Affairs of the Kherson diocese of UOC traditionally holds the shares against abortion in Kherson.

As reported by the SPM, earlier in Kherson diocese held a master class on conscious parenting.

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