25-year-old Christian who is in prison in Pakistan on charges of blasphemy, was severely beaten by his cellmates because he was praying.
This was told to the American human rights group International Christian Concern (ICC), according to CNL
Jakub Bashir from the area Mirpurkhas Sindh, located in jail in 2015. Jakub prayed about the upcoming hearing, but his cell mates didn’t like it.
On hearing of last weekend Jakub appeared with traces of dried blood on his shirt and face, and injuries of the face, eyes, chin and head, according to ICC. When the judge asked about the injuries, Bashir told about the incident. The judge ordered the transfer to the Bashir in a separate cell, and caused the prisoners to testify about the incident.
“I’m sorry to hear that Christians are in danger even during detention in police, — said the Bishop of Hyderabad diocese Samson Shukhardin. — The duty of the state to protect all citizens. If a young Christian faces in prison violence and torture, one can only imagine the new scale of persecution”.
Shukhardin suggested that the life of Bashir in danger.
ICC’s regional Manager William stark said, “it is Disturbing to see that the prison authorities had allowed other inmates to attack and seriously injure Jacob, because he just exercises his right to religious freedom.”
Blasphemy laws of Pakistan, which are articles 295 and 298 of the Pakistan Penal code, imposes the death penalty, and yet there is no punishment for the slanderer and false witness.
In 2011, Salman Taseer, Pakistani businessman and politician, who served as Governor of Punjab province was assassinated by his own bodyguard after he publicly spoke out about the brutality of the Pakistani blasphemy laws and the need to pardon Asia Bibi, a mother and a Christian, which in 2010 sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy. The then Minister of minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian, was also ambushed and was killed supposedly because he said that Bibi should be granted a pardon.