Since July 4, 2018 in Zabaykalsky Krai it started pouring rain. From flood waters affected several thousand people in Chita, Shilka, Nerchinsk and other localities. Disrupted transport, destroyed or damaged 27 bridges. As part of the house disconnected electricity and water supply, organized the evacuation of residents. Introduced a state of emergency. According to the Chita meteorologist, flood in Transbaikalia was the strongest in the entire history of observations. In the coming days, the emergencies Ministry predicts a further rise of the water level in the rivers. From the first days of the disaster, the Russian Orthodox Church is helping flood victims.
As of July 11 among the hardest hit was the town of Shilka and houses located along the river NERCHA. “In the city disrupted the centralized supply of energy, communication, off the Internet, — said the head of the missionary Department of the diocese of Nerchinsk, the rector of the Church of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul in chilka Archpriest Alexander Tylevich. — We are only beginning to assess the overall scale of the disaster. As of July 11, the local administration has received about 300 applications of flood victims at the stage of preparation was not less than 600 such statements of damages”.
The blessing of the Bishop of Krasnokamensk and Nerchinsk aksiya diocese has launched a special website “SOS Transbaikalia” — he works to help educate about the needs of victims, collecting financial aid for the troubled people, according to Diakonia.
On 9 July the Bishop of Axi toured areas affected by the floods.
“Among people there is no panic, but definitely, their condition is not easy. And it is clear. I just came from the Shilka, where he saw the effects of flooding, talked with residents. Returning to Nerchinsk, saw that the inundation has arrived and, according to the emergency Ministry, more is expected to increase the water level in the river NERCHA. So we ask all fervent prayers!” the Bishop said Nerchinsk of Axi portal “Parishes”.
In Transbaikalia the Church opened, assistance, victims, parishes organized a reception in-kind aid including clothes and food.
11 Jul Synodal Department for Church charity and social service has sent to the account of Nerchinsk of the diocese of 146 thousand rubles to help the victims of the flood in Transbaikalia.
As a result of the rising waters flooded homes and basements. “This is a very serious problem. For zabaikalia, “underground” is his life. In the basement he’s stockpiling food for the winter, saves them in the summer from the heat,” — said Archpriest Alexander Tylevich.
Nerchinsk diocese plans to create a task force that will pump water from flooded basements and cellars, said Archpriest Alexander Tylevich. “We need the money for a pump for pumping water and workers ‘wages”, he said. Also in the plans is the wholesale purchase of construction materials to help local residents in rebuilding their homes after the flood, the priest told.
Archpriest Alexander Tylevich emphasized that the flooded agricultural land almost completely destroyed the potato crop and other crops. There was only some hope for re-sowing carrots, etc. In the diocese of Nerchinsk want to help, at least in part providing the potato people most in need. For these purposes, the issue about the wholesale purchase of potatoes. The purchase plan to carry out in neighboring areas, which did not reach the flood.
In Nerchinsk diocese urge all caring people to donate funds to help the victims.
“All the humanitarian aid to take from Moscow — expensive and long (5,000 miles — East Siberia)”, — reported on the website “SOS Transbaikalia”. Therefore, in the diocese are asked to send money that will be procured all necessary on site.
Victims can help by making a donation to the following account:
GRKC GU Bank of Russia on Transbaikalian edge, Chita city
branch 8600/0091
OSB 8600 Chita Chita
CAT 753602002; BIC 047601637 Cor.Sch. 30101810500000000637
The local religious organisation “the Orthodox parish of the Church of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul, G. Shilka the Chita and Krasnokamensk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church”
Account 40703810574000058055
INN 7527002944
CAT 752701001
Purpose of payment: “Help flood victims”
Also donations to help the victims adopts the Public organization “TRANS-Baikal, the children’s aid society”. To help, you can send an SMS to the short number 7715 with the word “Shilka” gap amount. For Example, “Shilka 300”.