The opening of the center for humanitarian aid in Saransk diocese March 14, 2017 was headed by the Metropolitan of Saransk and Mordovia Zinovy
The Church has raised 38 million to help pregnant women and women with children in difficult life situations, according to Diakonia. The blessing of his Holiness Patriarch Kirill, the fundraiser was dedicated to the International children’s day and was held in all Russian churches Russian Orthodox Church.
Collected funds on a competitive basis, will distribute the Synodal Department for charity – they will be aimed at the prevention of abortion: creating home mom, Church humanitarian assistance centres, centres for the protection of motherhood. The terms and conditions of the contest will be published soon on the official website of the Synodal Department for charity.
This is the second in recent years, a nationwide fundraiser to help women in a crisis situation. Previous fundraising in 2016, was also dedicated to the children’s Day and held in all Russian churches for the blessing of his Holiness Patriarch Kirill. Results of collection of the Synodal Department for charity have organised an open competition, which was created 100 new Church humanitarian aid in 89 dioceses. They pregnant women and women with children in crisis can get free Cribs, strollers, hygiene products, clothes for yourself and baby.
“Despite positive changes in recent years, Russia still takes a huge number of abortions. Many women say that they go for an abortion because of financial difficulties. But we declare that they are ready to help every woman and to do everything possible so that she didn’t commit abortion, says head of maternity protection of the Synodal Department for charity Maria studenikina. – Now with the participation of Churches all over the country from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky created 57 shelters for mothers, working more than 160 Church’s humanitarian aid. And we will continue this work to develop, for this purpose needed a new national fundraiser. We hope that such centres will become more, and we can save from killing more unborn children.”
According to Ministry of health of Russia, in 2017, there were 627,1 thousand abortions. With the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia, created 57 shelters for women with children, 56 of them appeared over the last 7 years. Also in Russia there are over 160 Church humanitarian aid, 100 of them were created over the past 2 years.