New feature film “the Madness of God” will be shown in cinemas in the US only one evening of the 30th of August. About this picture says the man whose life inspired the creators of the film. This missionary Nik Ripken.

MAN: the Film is described as “a true story of faith resurrected”. Why?

Nik Ripken: Ruth had lived in Somalia for almost eight years. There we had about 150 believers — they were former Muslims who believe in Jesus. When we flew eight years later, there remained alive only four of them. Four of my best friends was killed in a single day. And then our 16 year old son eight days after his birthday he died — on Easter Sunday morning from an asthma attack, and it collapsed the whole world.
And I wondered: why can’t I profess, or pray with the words “He Who is in me than he who is in the world?” Because there was no evidence of this in Somalia all these years. We left the country completely broken, asking the question: “is Jesus trustworthy? Is It appropriate for such violent and disadvantaged places in the world, or is It only for dressy Western Church?” And then we went to look for Jesus, who could trust the believers to experience persecution.

MHN: do you Think that most Christians are quite aware of the persecution of fellow Christians?

No! Of course not. Ruth has traveled the world, and it is clear to us that about 70% of people professing their faith, live under persecution. Therefore, persecution for the faith is common.

MAN: a Movie based on your life as a missionary. How did you feel seeing your life up on the big screen?

For me it is a great honor, but I think once you start the movie, Ruth and will disappear from the plot. Even those persecuted believers in some sense become the storytellers. They become heroes of this picture. The real hero of the film is the God Who today is doing the same what He did in the old and New Testament, and the whole point of the picture — in the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a turning point in history.

MHN: What would you like people to take from this film?

I want them to ask themselves the same questions asked of the persecuted believers: “is Jesus my life? If I’m married, whether It is my wife’s life? He does the lives of my children?” And so they, like hundreds of persecuted believers with whom we communicated, could say, “Yes! Because for us the main thing — the resurrection. We’re already dead, but we already have eternal life, and nothing, absolutely nothing, of what Jesus would require of us.” And it is not in the power of the politicians or the military, and to remember who Jesus is and what He is worthy of all.

MHN: What would you say as the announcement of the film? What people expect from the picture? Can you reveal any plot details?

They hear five or six stories from the book “the Madness of God.” But not just hear, but also see them animated on the screen. And it will be for them a spiritual shock. They know what happens when someone dares to be a man of the New Testament, living under the old Testament, and speaks on behalf of Jesus, and takes the side of God in the spiritual battle against evil.

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