From 6 to 8 September in Sacramento (California, USA) will host the international Pastors ‘ Summit. The official name of the summit: “a Critical analysis of the charismatic movement in the post-Soviet space.”
The main reason and motive of the summit is the search for points of contact and, if possible, the detection of dubious elements in the theology and spiritual practice of the Church.
The purpose of the forum is to allow different Church Ministers to present their views on challenging issues.
“Last month I traveled 5 States, where he met with over 200 pastors and leaders, informing them about it. Interest to this meeting are rather high. There is a whole group of Ministers that are going to come from the CIS countries and the United States for this summit. We invite everyone to. Participate in the discussion: Yury Popov, Kozlov, Sergey, Vasily Botsyan, Kotkov Nikolai Tokarev Vasily, Ivan Leshchuk, Golova Sergey Maksimov Maxim Shevchenko, Alexander, Arthur Simonyan, Alexei Ledyaev, Pavlovsky, Victor Sudakov, Victor,” said the pastor of the Church “House of Bread”, the initiator of the summit, Alexander Shevchenko.
All the details of the upcoming event and register on the event website