In the winery the chief editor of “UA News” got fired for the neutral story about the UOC

Archbishop Varsonofy, managing Vinnytsia diocese UOC

For the “wrong” coverage of the arrival of Archbishop Varsonofy journalist of a regional news channel has received a severe reprimand, and the chief editor was forced to resign.

Journalists of Vinnytsia regional TV channel “UA: Vinnytsia” paid for “wrong” material flow on arrival to the regional centre of the new managing Director of the Vinnytsia diocese of the UOC Archbishop Varsonofy. The author of the story received a reprimand, and the chief news editor was forced to resign. About it reports the edition “Detector-media”.

December 18 broadcast of the television program “UA: Vinnytsia”, came the story of the arrival in the regional center of the newly-appointed hierarchs. The plot on the same day has been criticized by journalists Detector “media”, who complained about the TV crew in the NOTE (National Public TV and radio company of Ukraine).

The main claim of journalists to the colleagues was the fact that in the story about the arrival of the Archbishop of the UOC was told only about the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and there was nothing said about the position of the DNC, what material allegedly was “one-sided and complementary”.

The guidance NOTE has decided to accept the Complainants and punished its employees of Vinnitsa branch. The company said that “the plot is not presented critical information on joining the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Metropolitan Simeon and not the facts that preceded the arrival of Archbishop Varsonofy in Vinnitsa”.

Recall that on January 17 the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Onufry Blazhennejshy met with the clergy of the diocese of Vinnytsia.

Previously, to support the former Metropolitan Simeon of Vinnytsia came to the President Petro Poroshenko.

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