November 6, 2018 in the Great hall of the State Assembly — Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan was held the VIII Tabynsk read “Youth: freedom and responsibility”, which is a regional stage of the XXVII International educational Christmas readings, reports patriarhiei.
In the readings were attended by representatives of Ufa, Neftekamsk, Salavat and Bashkortostan, Birsk dioceses of the Archdiocese and representatives of the Council for state-inter-confessional relations under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, representatives of ministries of education, culture, labour and social protection of population, healthcare, youth policy and sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan, universities and public organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan, representatives of the parishes and parish organizations of the Ufa diocese, with around 300 participants.
Within Tabynsky readings were held plenary and breakout sessions in six areas: the Orthodox system of Church education of youth, volunteering as a social technology of work with young people, Internet in the system of social technologies, the role and importance of education in nurturing the freedom and responsibility of youth, the dangerous tendencies in the life of modern youth, the attitude to traditional family values among the youth.
The plenary session was opened by the Metropolitan of Ufa and Sterlitamak Nikon, made a report “Youth and freedom to be moral”, which urged the audience to realize the importance of caring for the moral character of youth and the need to engage young people of traditional morality, because the only way to the good and moral perfection, one can achieve true freedom and become a responsible member of society. The Manager of the Ufa diocese expressed the hope that reading will give participants the impetus to a joint hard work in this field.
In the plenary session with a welcoming speech made the Chairman of the Council for state-inter-confessional relations under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan V. P. Pyatkov; Deputy Chairman of the Committee on education, culture, sports and youth policy of the State Assembly — Kurultay RB of R. M. Asadullin, announced a greeting of the Chairman of the Kurultay K. Tolkacheva; first Deputy Chairman of the DUM Ayup-Hazrat Bibarsov, conveyed greetings from the Chairman of the Spiritual administration of Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan N. Nigmatullina and Imam 1 mosque of Ufa Ahmad Hazrat Akhmerov, who welcomed the participants on behalf of the Chairman of the Central spiritual administration of Muslims of Russia Talgat Safa Tadzhuddin of. Also performances of the rector of Bashkir state medical University V. N. Pavlov, rector of the Bashkir state aviation University N. To. Creane, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Cathedral of Russian of Bashkortostan V. A. Pchelintseva, Deputy Minister of youth and sports of the Republic of Belarus A. V. Novikov and Chairman of the Youth public chamber under the State Assembly — Kurultay RB of Z. S. Gassaway.
For active work in various fields of Bashkortostan metropolis Metropolitan Nikon awarded diplomas of teachers, psychologists, youth and social employees of the parishes, the sisters of mercy, the Orthodox pathfinders, helpers, elders of churches and active parishioners of the Archdiocese.
In the framework of the breakout sessions the participants of the conference discussed the promotion of traditional moral values. In the speeches it was about how to inspire our youth with the ideals of moral life, to help young people to get rid of the power of sin and voluntarily assume moral obligations, because only through that lies the path to freedom and perfection of the individual.
The participants of the meetings it was noted that the parishes of the Ufa diocese has developed an effective long-term program of Church education of young people — the program of military-Patriotic associations (PITA) “Alexander Nevsky” program of the scout squads of the Brotherhood of Orthodox pathfinders and organization of Russian young scouts, a program of the center for spiritual development of young people “Saved”. These projects bring together young people from different social groups, different degrees of inchurched.
In Bashkortostan metropolis is also developing youth volunteer movement at the diocesan youth Department. Volunteers are more involved in social activities.
The youth of the Ufa diocese also has the ability to compensate for the lack of communication and promptly and efficiently obtain information about diocesan life, events in the parishes, the life of Sunday schools, games, competitions, campaigns, meetings, camps and other activities on the diocesan and parish websites, groups in social networks and chats.
A significant number of young people study at the Bashkir state pedagogical University. M. Akmulla courses for the training of Church professionals on the professional retraining program “Theology and religious education” by specialization “Educational activities of Russian Orthodox Church”, “Pedagogy” and “Social work”. The youth participates in the work of the discussion club “Sofia” in St. Panteleimon’s Church in Ufa.
The participants of the conference noted with regret that at the present time, the trend of leaving the Church young people aged over 14 years. The number of young people in Sunday schools is much less than the number of younger children. An educational approach to spiritual education of children and young people helps to create a Sunday school atmosphere of love, especially popular among young people. Leaving the Church, young people are exposed to the dangers of the modern world, and the result of disbelief of young people be consistently high rates of suicide, early sexual life, as a consequence, high rates of abortion and sexually transmitted diseases; drug abuse is becoming an epidemic. Despite this, some hope gives noticeable among young people concern about issues of social justice, protectnet Russian youth is largely altruistic in nature, young people are on hard work for success, they take part in the volunteer movement, the Affairs of the charity.
At the end of the sectional work was adopted, the General resolution VIII Tabynsky readings.
On the same day at the end of the plenary session of readings held its annual Diocesan Assembly of the diocese of Ufa. The meeting among other issues, referred to the discussions of the document “roadmap of highlight measures (complex sentences) on the formation and development of favorable conditions for the spiritual enlightenment of children in the parish community of the Russian Orthodox Church.” The document was presented by the head of the diocesan Department for religious education and catechesis FR Roman Khabibullin, earlier the document was sent to the clergy for discussion in parishes.
In the discussion took part the representatives of the clergy and assistants of rectors for the parish to care for children, managers and staff of Sunday schools, catechists, youth workers, and members of the diocesan Department of religious education and catechesis and other stakeholders. During the exchange of views was marked the positive experience of working with adolescents in PITA “aleksadr Nevski”.
After the discussion the participants of the meeting reiterated in document analytical data and expressed hope for the early solution of problems using the proposed in the paper.
According to the materials of the site of Ufa diocese