In Vyborg will host a conference dedicated to the revival of small historic towns


18-20 October 2018 in Vyborg with the participation of the Ministry of culture will be held the IX all-Russian conference “Preservation and revival of small historic towns and rural settlements: problems and prospects, the website of the Ministry. The comprehensive program of development”. The aim of the event is the analysis of the positive experience and the current situation in the field of preservation and revival of small historic towns.

The event will bring together more than 200 representatives of Federal and regional bodies of power, bodies of protection of monuments, museums, scientific research institutes, non-profit, restoration and design organizations, relevant public organizations and educational institutions, Russian and foreign experts.

The participants will discuss the improvement of legislative and methodical providing of saving and revival of small historic towns and rural settlements of Russia, the experience of implementation of government programs, problems and prospects of preserving the historic appearance in the modern city, resources, and integrated conservation and development of historic urban environment, international experience and the experience of local governments, the issues of archaeology and public-private partnerships.

The event was organized by the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, Committee for culture of Leningrad region, the Vyborg United Museum-preserve and the Russian Association of restorers.

For reference:

The first conference “Preservation and revival of small historic towns and rural settlements: problems and prospects. The comprehensive program of development” was held in 2009 in Staraya Ladoga was the beginning of a series of such events which in subsequent years was held in Staraya Russa, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhniy Novgorod), Torzhok, Yaroslavl (in Rostov), Ryazan (in Kasimov) and Tula (Kropyvna).

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