Why is society conveniently to modern Teens are not matured, secured why young people dress in second-hand and where did the conflict of fathers and children – says Asya Stein, teacher, teacher of the Lyceum named after Vernadsky.
Asya Stein
- Modern youth in the Church: churching the service
- Today’s young people – infantile?
- Ekaterina Shulman: today’s young people – the right of all generations, which only you can imagine
- If your teen is going to the rally
Collect garbage, go to spectator and travel without money, backpack
– What are they, in your view, modern teenagers? Do not read anything, no interest in, always sitting in the gadgets as sometimes they say the older generation?
Modern Teens, as today’s adults are very different, so a single picture, I think, do not represent nobody. But if you take the circle of teenagers with whom I communicate – they don’t look like you sounded stereotypical image.
It’s not even that they correctly write in different studies are significantly less interested in alcohol, drugs and sex than Teens a generation that was before them. More importantly – they are very socially active and socially responsible.
Among those adolescents that I know, a lot of volunteers who are obsessed with the environment, separate waste collection. In high school, where I teach, many teenagers prefer second hand, guided by considerations that do not need to buy anything extra, superfluous things senseless and only harms the environment.
They participate in various volunteer programs, including those engaged in animal shelters.
Last year’s graduates of our Lyceum on his own initiative worked with the rehabilitation center for seriously ill children “dunnos”. Many go to work as election observers, having reached the age when it can be done.
This is perhaps the most interesting trend, and, say, ten or fifteen years ago this was not.
– The results of a study conducted among contemporary American adolescents, they are less able to enjoy life, often prone to depression. What you say about their Russian peers?
– I would such generalizations did not. Rather, I think they are looking for promoters for joy. About the tendency to a persistent depression I would not say, though, I repeat, and adolescents are different, and life situations too.
But what I would say is that they are much less fixated on the display of some social status.
For them, apparently, much less so career and money and a lot more freedom and communication. For them, a valuable each other’s company and the freedom to travel.
And travel not at the expensive resorts, but rather to take a backpack and go hitchhiking or go to the mountains or sailing on the lake. They are well prostragivajut logistics, well book yourself for some unexpected housing.
For them, needless to say to know two or three foreign languages, they can easily communicate with different people in different countries.
I could say that they have a higher level of basic trust to the world of adults. Perhaps this is the first generation that has no antagonism with the world of adults they can trust adults and to establish a relationship with them much more than the generation ten to fifteen years ago.
– Already heard the opinion that the conflict “fathers and children” today, almost came to naught. And your words also confirm this.
– I think that Yes, if to judge whether a circle of teenagers we’re talking about. Their parents are already largely “unwhipped” generation. People who are 40 to 50, and they do not have such a severe traumatic experience as, say, their parents ‘ generation, and grandparents of today’s youth. On the other hand, they are trying to correct the mistakes of their parents.
The parents of today’s teenagers – often very active and responsible, they are highly invested in their children’s time, emotions and so on. Yes, some conflicts arise – adolescent separation has not been canceled, but because it is very understanding parents, competent, who know about age features of their children and are willing to let them go, they largely help the children pass through adolescence with minimal losses. So in the end the children are much less traumatized.
They are generally more relaxed and, perhaps, because not so focused on external success, they treat her indifferently. Rather, it may be parental neurosis.
Society is not waiting for them growing up
– We often speak about the immaturity of this generation.
On the one hand, Yes, they are infantile. Infantile it is in terms of basic trust to the world and therefore in no hurry to grow up. But the same immature teenagers are volunteers and have worked very hard in hospices, in nursing homes, participate in the activities of political parties.
Teenagers come to the meetings, knowing that such a step has certain risks. They these risks are – and not because “everyone went and I went”, and formulate its program.
While Yes, they grow up quickly, but the society does not expect them to do. Society and parents are satisfied that they remain adolescents as they, like teenagers, are much more likely to live comfortably than if they are older for them in the adult world, yet there is no place and there is not much waiting.
Society comfortably, that they were infantile. For generation Z in the adult world, no jobs, no social niches, they have nowhere to fit an adult, but they feel very comfortable in the role of teenagers.
– Like immaturity combined with the social responsibility, or activity?
– Very easy! When you come to work, where they work from bell to bell, you have no time for social activity, volunteering. If you have children, then, accordingly, the same: the main thing – to feed the family. Another thing, if you are up to 25-30 years of living a fairly free life: educate ourselves, develop.
Again, I said that people with reduced requirements for comfort, they will go to second-hand cheap clothes, so as not to overspend the resources of the planet. Including due attention to the environment are not high consumption needs and, accordingly, have no desire to earn a lot of money. They will do some small jobs, but to have the opportunity to participate in social projects, continuing education, travel and so on. For them it is more important than any social status.
– You say that members of this generation are committed to education, new knowledge. And what do you think?
– As a rule, for the sake of interest to know. By the way, another very important trend – they easily change their place of study. Another ten or fifteen years ago, when teenagers were trapped under a rapid successful career, a person came into any prestigious University and studied there, like it or not like it. And now they choose universities, changing them, moving from one University to another. It is not uncommon, when a person begins to learn from biology or linguistics, and then in art school or in high school theater, for example.
Learning to think freely we have from scratch
– As for the answers at school in your class – how modern teenagers are more free-thinking than their predecessors?
– We have this specific school that students are accustomed to this freedom.
Yes, due to the fact that children come to us from secondary normal schools are very traumatized, they are quite long from this injury have to take.
At the end of seventh grade, after a year of study in high school, about 40 percent of the children wrote: “I didn’t know that they can Express their opinion and it someone will be interested!”
Understand children, having studied in a regular school, say they can’t Express their opinion, otherwise the teacher will yell or put “two” and call the parents. That is, learning to think freely in the classroom have almost zero, if not minus.
– To sum up – what is particularly vulnerable and what a strong modern teenagers?
– I think they are vulnerable in the same, and strong in their full confidence in the adult world, which on closer examination turns out to be not as good as they thought. It turns out the two sides of the coin.
– You say that members of generation Z are not configured for a career. They are still set? They have plans for the future? They also have, in the end, to steer the country.
– “Steer” is the wrong word, they think differently. Their plans – just live happily I think it’s people who are born for happiness.