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International creative fellowship of musicians (MTSM) has released a new collection of worship songs.
As noted, the collection includes the brightest songs of worship and glorification of those who were transferred MTSM and performed at conferences “Soli Deo Gloria” in recent years.
“We’ve been waiting for this moment and today, with great joy, we present to you our next music compilation “SDG Vol 2″. In a sense, this is another Christmas gift to all of us,” said Director of the International Creative fellowship of Musicians (MTSM) Gerry Schroeder
The collection includes popular Christian songs such as “10,000 Reasons” (Matt Redman), “At The Cross” (Chris Tomlin), “We Sing Hallelujah” (Kari Jobe), and many others.
“In the future, we would like to please you, at least one collection per year. By the way the third book of “SDG Vol 3″ has already been recorded and now is under processing, and information”, — said project Manager MDM, worship leader Andrey Berezhnoy .
“SDG Vol 2” now available for download on iTunes and Google Play.