On July 18 in Rome presentation of the book edited by Mons. Luigi Jinn “Where Christians die.”
The presentation was preceded by a Holy Mass in the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter. The book was published by St. Paul; it tells the story of four different missions of solidarity under the auspices of the charity Fund “Santina Onlus”. These aid projects are carried out in those parts of the world where Christians — men, women and children every day risk their lives and even die for their faith. These martyrs of our days, the author wished to give voice to the pages of his book, reports the Christian megaportal invictory.com with reference to Vatican News.
During a press conference in Rome Mons. Jinn said: “We decided that the act would not Church leaders or people from the Vatican and the laity and representatives of other religions. That’s why tonight with us Folli from the newspaper ‘La Repubblica’ and a Turkish journalist ESMA Cakir”.
The book aims to promote peace and dialogue between peoples and religions. A new publication, according to Mons. Luigi Jinn, “is not talking about war, but about the world,” because the problem faced daily persecution not only Christians but also Muslims, Jews, and believers of any other religion.