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- Iveron icon of the Mother of God
- Iconography Of The Theotokos
- Iveron icon of the Mother of God “Fraternize” – Russian pages of history
- See also:
Iveron icon of the Mother of God (Vratarnitsa). Where it is located on mount Athos? What helps the Iveron mother of God suffering? Read about it in our article!
Iveron icon of the Mother of God
The icon of the Mother of God, famous for miracles to inherit virgin – Athos, in Iberia (Georgia) and Russia – named for Iver monastery on mount Athos.
The first news about it dates back to the IX century – the time of iconoclasm, when by order of the heretical power in homes and temples were destroyed and betrayed the desecration of Holy icons.
A certain pious widow, living near Nicea, kept the cherished image of the mother of God. Soon it opened. Come armed soldiers wanted to take an icon, one of them hit the Shrine with a spear, and the face of the most pure blood came out. With tears praying to the lady, the woman went to the sea and dropped the icon into the water; the image of standing moved through the waves.
About the icon with pierced face, fired at sea, I learned on mount Athos: the only son of this woman became a monk on the Holy mountain and lived near the place where once moored a ship taking on Cyprus Itself the mother of God, and where afterwards, in the tenth century, the Georgian nobleman John and the Byzantine General Tornike founded the Iveron monastery.
One day the monks of the Iveron monastery saw on the sea the pillar of fire high to the sky – he rose above the image of the virgin, standing on the water. The monks wanted to take the icon, but the closer approached the boat, the farther in the sea left… the Brethren began to pray and earnestly besought the Lord to bestow on the icon of the monastery.
The following night the blessed virgin appeared in a dream to the elder Gabriel, noted for a strict ascetic life simple and childish temper, and said, “tell the Abbot and the brethren, that I want to give them My icon in the intercession and help, then come into the sea with faith and go on waves – then everyone will know My love and grace to your abode”.
The next morning the monks with a molieben went ashore, the old man fearlessly walked on the water and was honored to accept the miraculous icon. It was put in the chapel on the shore and three days was before her prayer, and then moved to the congregational Church (at the place where stood the icon, opened a spring of pure sweet water).
The next day the icon was found over the gates of the monastery. Took her former place, but she was again over the gates. This was repeated several times.
Finally the blessed virgin appeared to the elder Gabriel and said, “tell the brethren: I do not want Me, but She’ll be your Guardian in this life and the hereafter. I have asked you God, My mercy, and as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace and mercy of My Son towards you will not become scanty”.
The monks built the gate Church in honor of our lady, guardian of the monastery, where the miraculous icon resides to this day. The icon is called Portaitissa – Vratarnitsa, welcoming people, and the place of its appearance on mount Athos – Iviron.
According to the legend, the phenomenon of the icon occurred on March 31, Tuesday Easter week (according to other sources, April 27). At the Iveron monastery celebration in her honour takes place on Tuesday of Bright week; the brethren with a procession goes to the seashore, where he took the icon of the man Gabriel.
In the history of the monastery there are many cases the gracious help of God the Mother: the miraculous replenishment of wheat, wine and oil, the healing of the sick, deliverance of the monastery from the barbarians.
So, once the Persians besieged the monastery from the sea. The monks cried out to the Mother of God for help. Suddenly a terrible storm arose and the enemy ships sank, survived only one warlord Amir. Amazed by the miracle of the wrath of God, he repented, asked you to pray for the forgiveness of his sins and donated a lot of gold and silver to build the monastery walls.
Iconography Of The Theotokos
The iconography of the Iberian icon is a special version of the “Hodegetria”, received in Byzantine art called “Ελεοῦσα” (Rus.- “The merciful”). The Board is elongated figures fill almost the entire space of the ark. The image of the virgin half-length, head slightly inclined towards the child Christ, her right hand raised in the gesture of prayer at chest level.
The infant sits on the left hand of the Mother is high and straight, gently turning Her head slightly thrown back. The right hand of the child is stretched forward to the virgin’s hand with two fingers blessing gesture, in his left He holds a scroll vertically resting on the knee.
The position of the hands of the mother of God, repeated in parallel, semi-circular folds of Her cloak to visually create a kind of receptacle – likeness of a throne for the Christ child, which corresponds to the Byzantine theological and poetic ideas about the image of the mother of God – the temple, the seat cannot fit, and is reflected in many monuments of Byzantine art XI-XII centuries.
Peculiar manner of writing faces with large, massive features, wide almond-shaped eyes; the look is directed forward, the expression of the faces is centered. Important iconographic detail is the image on the face of the virgin of the wound, from which blood drips.
In the beginning of XVI century the icon was decorated with chased gilded silver oklad Georgian work, leaving open only the faces of the virgin and Child. Apparently, the salary is quite accurately reproduces the iconography of an ancient image, but in the fields is finished with a hammered images of half-figures of the 12 apostles.
See also – Wonderful help of the blessed virgin Mary
Iveron icon of the Mother of God “Fraternize” – Russian pages of history
In the XVII century about the Iveron icon learned in Russia. Archimandrite Novospassky monastery Nikon, the future Patriarch, turned to the Archimandrite of the monastery of Iveron mount Athos to Pachomius asking for an exact list of the miraculous icon.
“…Gathering all his brethren… he created a great prayer service in the evening until light and blessed water from the Holy relics, and Holy water poured over the miraculous icon of the blessed virgin Mary old Portaitissa, and in a great tub that Holy water gathered and gathered, paki poured a new Board, made from the entire cypress tree, and again gathered together the Holy water in the tub, and then served as the divine and Holy Liturgy with great boldness, and after the Holy Liturgy, given that Holy water and Holy relics, the icon-painter prepodobnomu, the priest and spiritual father to Mr. Nicholas Romanov, to him, mixing Holy water and Holy relics with colors, write a Holy icon.”
Painter only on Saturday and Sunday, eat food, and the brothers twice a week have made all-night vigil and Liturgy. “And that (Novozapolyarny) the icon does not all different from the first icon: neither length, nor breadth, nor face…”
13 Oct 1648 the icon was met in Moscow with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Patriarch Joseph and crowds of Orthodox people. (This icon belonged to the tsarina Maria Ilinichna and her daughter, Princess Sophia Alekseevna; after the death of the Princess image was in the Novodevichy convent. Currently, he is in the State Historical Museum.)
According to legend, the monks carrying a relic from mount Athos, did not have enough money for the ferry across the Danube. They have already decided to return to the monastery, but the very mother of God helped them – She was a rich Greek Manuel and ordered him to pay the monks carriers-Muslims.
Another list by order of Patriarch Nikon was brought from mount Athos to Moscow, graced with a garment and in 1656 referred to the Valdai Iversky virgin into the new-built svyatoozerskaya monastery (after the revolution, the icon had disappeared).
With the icons that were in the Royal family, was made another list; in 1669 he was installed in the chapel at the gate facing the main Tverskaya street in Moscow. Vratarnitsa has become one of the most revered shrines, the Mother Patroness of the Muscovites.
Through the resurrection gates into Red square winners; kings and Queens, arriving in the old capital, first went to venerate the Iveron – like all who came to the city. Muscovites went to the chapel to pray for any urgent needs; the icon was carried on the houses, served as a prayer and received by faith: Iver Vratarnitsa was glorified by healings of the sick, many miracles.
In 1929 the chapel was destroyed in 1931 the resurrection gates were demolished. The icon was transferred to the Church of the Resurrection in Sokolniki, where it abides to this day.
In November 1994, his Holiness Patriarch Alexy II blessed the cornerstone of the Iberian chapel and resurrection gate in the same place, and in less than a year they were restored. 25 Oct 1995 from mount Athos to Moscow there has arrived the new copy of the miraculous Iveron icon, written by the monk-painter with the blessing of the Abbot of Iveron. Good Vratarnitsa returned to the main gate of the city.
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Have you read the article Iveron icon of the Mother of God | Vratarnitsa.
See also:
- The Russian Orthodox Church venerates the image of the Mother of God of Iveron
- Iveron icon with pierced face