Popular songwriter and singer Justin Bieber recently sang a heartfelt song of worship “Reckless love” for their fans and followers Instagram.

“Oh, comprehensive, boundless and reckless God’s love. She haunts me, fight for me until you find, leaving the 99 (sheep)… No shadows, which you will not light, the mountains, which does not ascend, relentlessly following me,” sang the Bieber. It is another example of how singers make their social media platform in the Department.
Originally the song was written by Cory Asbury, pastor worship “Bethel Music”.

It should be noted that the message in the song about the deep love of God to his creation is so strong that it pushed Bieber from his familiar role of a pop singer in real worship.

Close to the singer source, reports that his next album, expected to be released later this year or early 2019. And the Central theme of his faith.
A source close to the singer told the magazine “Sun” on Justin Bibere: “He was always religious but in the last two years has moved closer with the Church “Hillsong”, and changed my whole life. Now he has a completely different worldview. After completion of the last round, he did some time, didn’t want to record music at all, — said the source. But the time of fellowship in the Church revived the singer, and although he continues to work with many of the same people that helped to record his latest album, “Purpose” (“Purpose”, 2015), he’s rebuilding his sound, and now it is more consistent with the values and beliefs of the Church. In the recorded compositions are the key themes of love and redemption. It’s definitely gonna surprise some fans.”

Meanwhile, Bieber uses social media to share the gospel with its almost 100 million subscribers in Instagram. In particular, in his Instagram profile instead of a description of who he is, posted a link to a video of worship Church “Hillsong”.

On Easter weekend he told his Instagram followers: “Jesus changed my life. The essence of Easter is not Bunny, it’s a reminder that my Jesus died on the cross for my sins and then rose from the dead, defeating death! I believe it is a fact, and this fact changes everything! I am released from the bondage and condemnation. I am a child of Almighty God, and he loves me, ” wrote Justin Bieber.


Video: Justin Bieber singing Reckless Love & Tremble at Coachella Churchome event — April 15, 2018 (channel Justin Bieber Videos)

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