“Knowledge and motivation there, at school, it’s just boring” – why do parents choose home education

Family education in Russia is gaining popularity. Today, according to “Russian newspaper”, more than 100 thousand children officially do not go to school, the independent estimates give the figure of 200-250 thousand. More and more parents take their children out of traditional schools and go on family learning. Some moms and dads teach their children at home themselves. The richer parents pay for Tutors. In online schools, this year three times increased the number of students. Why the growing interest in distance learning, who better to learn in a network, and someone from bell to bell?

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Instead of school on tour

Guys solve the equations and find out about the invasion of the Mongols in Ancient Russia at home at the computer table. Here they pass the tests and watch videos, do homework, send it for review to the teacher and get marks. Teacher in real-time to answer the questions, and later puts quarter and annual estimates. Often it looks like online training at home.

Forms “homeschooling” in modern Russia, some from online schools to tutoring and training by the parents themselves. We can say, and this is a global trend that more and more parents take their children out of conventional schools – and not for health reasons.

According to the largest national school InternetUrok.ru the number of her students this year has grown three times.

Olga Husakova

– In our school children from Orthodox families, whose parents don’t want children attended traditional school. There are students who are professionally engaged in sports or music, they have fees, touring and just no time for school. Some of our compatriots moved abroad, but want the kids received a Russian education. Our students live in 82 countries around the world, says project leader InternetUrok.ru Olga Husakova. – Every year students of online schools are getting bigger. In this academic year their number increased three times.

Guzel Gurus

The reasons for the transition to family formation are numerous:

– Parents are unhappy with the academic underachievement of children, the education system, adults want to protect children from the negative influence, to grow in their system of values, mom and dad choose individual training schedule due to sports, music, art, – has explained Guzel Gurdus, General Director of the support Center of family education, in which the number of students this year has increased two times.

School rating mislead parents confused

Mariya Mezentseva, programmers, MT, took my daughter to the family when to combine school and professional interest in music was difficult. It was 8th grade, my daughter decided to go to Music school. Gnesin.

– When we began training at home, very surprised at her knowledge in some subjects – my daughter has discovered serious gaps. In chemistry and physics had to undergo a program from scratch. It was a tough year and gave a complete picture of the quality of school education. About learning parents are judged according to estimates, but in fact it turns out that the estimates of emptiness, no knowledge!

After a year of family training daughter successfully passed the exams and entered the school. As for the features of family education, we can say the following: in elementary school, any parent can take on the role of the teacher. He had a simple task to teach a child to read, write and count. But in high school the parent is already performing in the role of Manager: few are those who can explain all school subjects, and then some parents are looking for clubs, Tutors, others cost online courses.

“Textbooks are just disgusting”

The priest of St. Nicholas Church village Stremilova Moscow region Valery Zagortsev transferred their children to family education six years ago. The oldest daughter already graduated from high school, but the middle two, 14 and 16, and twelve-year-old son learn at home.

– Firstly, the negative influence of the environment, socialization with a negative sign. And, most importantly, the modern school curriculum is just awful, primitive and do not provide the depth of knowledge, explains Valery. – The tutorials are just disgusting. Here, the biology textbook for 5-6th classes General thinner notebooks!

The kids start school ill, overloading, don’t let them out on the street. We see the children of the parish go to school with the desire, with happy faces, and three months later start school simply to hate.

Training was the wife of a priest. All day she works with children on schedule. They begin to learn the morning, then a few hours rest and spend time in the fresh air, then come back to Russian and mathematics.

Now daughters learn remotely and virtually independently in an online school. Most likely, their example later followed by a younger brother. According to the priest, the number of people who prefer to educate their children at home increases.

– I come every year to the Department of education to write a statement about family training and, increasingly, I see that more than a dozen people in our neighborhood did as well, says the priest. Is not a mass phenomenon, but it is evolving.

“We were not ready to learn without a teacher”

Of course, not all parents have the opportunity to give family education, or at least to control this process, even if it is in online format. Next should always be an adult who is willing to help, especially those who are younger. But in reality, many mom and dad most of the day spend at work and hardly see their children. So without school and sometimes after school, there is not enough. Much depends on self-organization of the child, his perseverance, sociability.

Photo: Depositphotos

In this case, experts say, the main thing is not to hurt, but to be able to hear the needs and desires of the son or daughter.

– If the child is very active, he likes to chat with classmates, or if he himself is not able to organize your time, he will choose the school – said Olga Husakova.

This experience was shared by the mother of the daughter-pogodak, Svetlana Arsenyeva. She moved the Xenia and Arina on family education after primary school and found that not cope with the organization of training at home.

– We were not ready to learn without a teacher. Unfortunately, the school taught the main – study, and distance education requires more self-discipline. We went back to school, but it is possible that the move to online education, when her daughter will be preparing for the exam. By this time they will have more motivation to study, because the results of the exam will depend on the choice of their future University.

“Daughter tired”

Denis Sobur – the father and teacher of physics of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University theological education. His eldest daughter, a third grader Xenia, six months deals in the online school. According to Denis, Ksyusha – introvert, likes to be alone, and therefore reacted calmly to the decision of adults to education in the family.

Sobur Denis

The school process is inefficient. When in class, 32 people, most of the time is spent on discipline. Some kids are bored, others don’t have time. My child is strong enough, she wasn’t interested. A waste of time. Homework went very voluminous, – says Denis Sobur. – Half a day she spends in school, then another three hours spent on lessons at home. Daughter was getting tired.

Transfer family training had a beneficial impact on Ksenia, says the father. The girl became calmer and friendlier. It takes less time for lessons, no problems with performance. Ksenia performs the tasks that verifies the father, and once a week sends Internet to the teacher.

School is not the only socialization

One of the main problems of this system of education, say the experts, and opponents of family learning: socialization of the child that occurs at school. Psychologist Elena Kozhevnikova told the following:

– When family teaching under the supervision of their parents, the child gets the opportunity for emotional development, which is not less important than intellectual, and they, unfortunately, often neglected. Sometimes it is inside the school emotional development of the child irreparable harm norms that are accepted within the school community. School is an important source of socialization, but not the only one.

Elena Kozhevnikova

Not always experience the interaction with its environment is correct and useful.

While in school, the child is surrounded by children who were in the same conditions that he did. It is not possible to choose your environment.

The Foundation of the school is the team, and the team is not a society. Team – a group of persons with the established procedure, with defined rules, and the society is much more versatile, it is differentiated by gender, age, worldview, values, cultural and professional traits. And watch this at school child is not possible. All the people in the school are subject to uniform rules and organization of work. Even a free and creative activity to be regulated, controlled, and must be appropriate. All this is not so much the socializing of the child, how much forces him to adapt to certain artificial conditions.

About the pros and cons of school world can argue endlessly. The task of parents-boxers apparently to attend to a matter of socialization, find mug section where the child can interact with children, he is close, next to which he feels the joy of communicating, and not allow the child to “preserve”.

– This could be Sunday school, friends, section, former classmates. We try to keep school contacts, invite friends, says one of the parents, Denis Sobur. – The result of socialization should be awareness of the child to their identity, self-determination and the ability to build strong relationships with people.

Remote technology is becoming part of our lives, the number of “virtual” schools will grow as the number of their students. But technical progress is not enough. In our country, not everyone knows that family education is permitted by the Federal education law since 1992. This alternative form of education since a number of deficiencies, and provides many benefits. For example, overseas universities such as Harvard and Yale, recently began to accept the past through his children, without exams, assessing their knowledge as a quality.

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