Lain decade, the gift has prompted the former “Miss Alabama” to join the Adventist Church

Members of the Church of seventh-day Adventists Summerville sang hymns of praise on Saturday, August 4, 2018, when they witnessed the baptism of Paige Phillips Parnell, “Miss Alabama” in 1980 and the first Vice-“Miss America” in 1981, and her husband Hayes Parnell.

A couple join the congregation in Summerville, Georgia, USA, after the Parnell re-opened the copy of the book “the Great controversy” of the Adventist Church co-founder Ellen G. white. 34 years ago she put this book in the attic. The book brought two teenage boy who visited the house of her first husband in 14,000 square feet (1300 square meters) in Arizona in 1984.

“It was my privilege to baptize Hayes and Paige,” said pastor Summerville Edward scorzè manufacturing plant. “Just before immersing the page in water, I told the audience: “In life, Paige was a time when people are looking at her, [only saw her physical qualities]. Now she wants when people looked at Paige, they saw Jesus.”

Road to Miss Alabama

When Parnell graduated from high school in Leeds, Alabama, she wanted to go to a religious College. She didn’t have enough money, but she had heard that if she will take part in the competition, Miss Alabama, which is part of the annual beauty contest “Miss America”, she can get a scholarship, even if she doesn’t win. Parnell took the first place and was crowned the title of miss Alabama in 1980 at the age of 17 years.

She went on to represent Alabama in the Miss America contest 1981. She performed with two talent — ventriloquism (from the Latin for “a voice from the belly” — stage technique, in which a person a ventriloquist, ventrilo says, not moving his lips, creating the illusion that the voice comes not out of it — approx.TRANS.) and vocals that allowed her to become the first Vice-miss.

Within three months, Parnell has enjoyed touring with Bob hope, Miss America (United Service Organization), speaking to thousands of soldiers on U.S. military bases abroad.

Life after beauty contests

After her first marriage ended in divorce, Parnell returned to Leeds, where she married her high school love — Hayes, who ran the Bank, which he founded, and also at the time was going through a divorce.

Some time later, when Parnell was in the attic, pulled her to the box, which was “the Great controversy”. When she started reading, she couldn’t stop. Parnell continued to read other books of Ellen white, including “Patriarchs and Prophets,” “Prophets and Kings,” “Desire of ages,” “Acts of the apostles”, “steps to Christ” and “Thoughts from the mount of blessings.”

At this time, Paige and Hayes began to visit the Church of Summerville. Warm atmosphere, making members of the Church and the happiness that Paige found in her readings, prompted Hayes to start reading the books.

The couple is now actively involved in Church life. Paige uses the talents that she used for speeches to serve the members. She uses her gift of public speaking to convey their evidence and conducts children’s story using your gift ventrologii.

A new perspective, a new community

Pair readily says that what they really want in life, it is impossible to obtain for money or gloss, and it can’t give them what God has offered as a gift is the salvation and fellowship.

“Hayes and Paige is thrilled to have been baptized in the Church of seventh-day Adventists and became a member of the family that fills the whole earth,” — said the scorzè manufacturing plant. “[Excited] to identify himself with the people who are waiting for the inevitable return of Jesus.”

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