Let’s pray for Anya Pavlikov

10 Aug Dorogomilovskiy district court of Moscow left in jail accused on the case of the “New majestic” 18-year-old Anna Pavlikova. She, like 19-year-old Maria Dubovik, is a defendant in a criminal case on the creation of an extremist community “the New greatness”. Girls are in jail for five months, has managed to undermine health. A petition demanding the release of Pavlikova and Dubovik three days has collected nearly 120 thousand signatures. On the Internet people speak in support of the girls. We have collected some of such statements.

Guys can produce, and fear will remain

Archpriest Andrew Kordochkin:

Rare case when I sign petitions, but this is the case.

Police provocateurs who involve teenagers in the underground structure below the guys to pass and earn a promotion – of course, the bastards. Classic, shaped scoundrels. They, of course, must be judged, and this is the case when the release would benefit them.

If the doctor to jail, says Anna’s mother, told her after hypothermia in the paddy wagon that “prison sterilize”, then she at least needs to be suspended from medical practice.

All this is clear as day. But still, they are not stupid guys. It is obvious that 17-year-old girl cannot be dangerous to the state. So, spanking is significant. It’s obviously noisy, and the more publicity, the stronger the effect of intimidation. The paradox: to be silent is impossible, but the more publicity, the more they want. Selected targets, which will regret if in its place would be a guy of 30 years, this propaganda effect would not exist. But so conceived. Pity no one will clear? That’s the whole simple message. Guys can produce, and fear will remain.

Some sickening taste in this story.

Let’s pray for the girl

The Nun Eugenia (Senchukova):

The Nun Eugenia (Senchukova)

Yesterday was left in jail girl Anya Pavlikov. The story is absolutely crazy and absurd, much more absurd things historian Dmitriev, cause of doctor Misurina and Sentsov case. About them, at least, have photos of the child, ignorant reportage Skoybedy and political aspect. Girl – not Bulk. The girl was not going to do anything awful, have led to the provocation (by the way, here are a provocation – when you do not identify existing criminals, but pushing an innocent man on an offense that was never realized – not justified). Girl no one can push and the more to escape. In the end, the girl is sick.

To steal it will not work. Not a revolution to arrange, really.

Maybe just try day by day to pray? Not as a civil action, and just a day to repeat her name when reading the book of names, every Sunday or more often to write “the prisoner Anna” in the note on health. Well, I don’t know what else to do. About those who there holds (quite ruthlessly), I whisper through clenched teeth: “Put them to evil, o Lord, make evil,” but these citizens the Lord and without me care, I’m just wrath in the scope of Scripture to drive. And feel sorry for the girl.

If someone important – she is from Orthodox family, baptized and not formally. You can pray even with the Orthodox-bukvoezhka positions.

To witness and to love those who are near

Maria Batova:

Read friends in conjunction with today’s extension of the detention of Ani Pavlikova that we are all caught up and slipped that we are all partners. No, objected. Not accomplices, and witnesses, a big difference. You’re an accomplice or a witness – the difference in two points:

  • Could do – and did (then partner), could not witness.
  • I feel sorry for the rapist – partner sympathize with the victim – witness.:
  • Well. The illusion that something could be done – and you did (except that a census, prayed, came to the court, signed a petition, don’t know what) is actually an illusion. You were hoping for, but it turned out not the way it was supposed to go on logic, justice, mercy, truth. But it wasn’t, not because you’re trying too hard. And because the violence includes in its circle, and watching, and then we – as well as at events where it is impossible in principle affect anything, like natural disasters – are also the victims. Only the victim of the second order. Deprived of the opportunity to act, knowing where life really is – and is not able neither to return life to the victims of natural disasters, no conscience, cruel and unjust judges, nor freedom for seriously ill prisoners.

    In addition, there is survivor’s guilt, a friend and past wars, and terrorist attacks, and disasters, and serious illness of: I’m alive – and they are not, my fault. It described many times, and it’s very hard.

    And another important witness is not the idler, it is not he who rents a car accident on the iPhone and goes by, and not one who looks and is beating on the wall. Is the one who testifies to what he saw. Who if and recorded the crash on the iPhone, for the sake of this entry was the material of the case, especially if the culprit left. We see, remember and record, that’s important. Frida Vigdorova nothing could do: she wrote. And if not recorded? We would not know about how judge Joseph Brodsky.

    On the question “what to do?” I just said to myself: to love those who are close, because people are fragile and are not eternal, and because we’re not around forever. Even if only to the inner circle enough love, and if only the hopelessness we are not bled so much that we couldn’t read the child a bedtime story or to hug a spouse or friend. When they say that in situations such as anina, “I want to lie down and die”, then you hear it’s my fault too, I should be punished by death. But we both know whose voice it is. Not Of God. Not to do what you want, don’t need to lie down and die. There are desires and there are desires. True passion can not be a death wish. Won’t listen to the father of lies: not for him the last word.

    At this age for such actions it is necessary not to punish, but to admonish

    Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich

    In the case of Anne of Pavlikova and “New greatness”. I admit that beyond the media attention has left many that would have forced us to look at this story anyway (though it’s still hard to imagine the real criminals discussing their plans in Internet chat rooms, and meet in Mcdonadls). But in any case I don’t understand why keep in jail 18-year-old girl who killed no one, no one else even attacked and nothing was stolen. At this age for such actions it is necessary not to punish, but to admonish. And this is the best place for house arrest.

    If in reality everything is exactly as written opposition media, then I feel sorry not only defendants, but also an agent provocateur, detective and especially a judge. Such things do not go in vain and sooner or later very painful back.

    To the Prosecutor no questions, that’s his job.

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