That feel when 95-year-old grandmother from the nursing home said that her business is “best” is why dreams of the actors of the devastating how to find the strength to give a happy childhood and how the elderly talk about love – says the actress, Trustee of the charity Foundation “Starost V radost ‘” Lisa Arzamasova.
Lisa Arzamasova. Photo: Anna Danilova
- Oksana Fedorova: Take all the people’s pain is wrong, but if you can do something – you need to do
- Mr. Nakhapetyan: Earlier we looked at a rock gig, and in a sense go to charity
- Dina Korzun: the children’s home in Nepal, the energy of love and about how to deal with death
- Some grandmother went to the forest, so what? as “Liza Alert” changes related to the right to life
Once you’re signed up to the artists, support
– You first came to meet with patients of the Oncology clinic when you were 12 years old. How did this happen?
– The usual story for the artist, which every day on television: you receive lots of invitations to a charity event because you might attract the attention of society to problems of a specific Fund. Then just filmed the TV series “Daddy’s girls”, he was actively on the channel STS, and children of all ages watched it. The guys in the hospital wanted to see the dancers from that show, and we gladly accepted the invitation and came.
It was hard for me to see their peers in such a difficult situation, in a hospital bed with IVS, with dull looks very sad. I wanted to hug everyone, but I was hesitant. Tried to cheer, told some stories from the set, but the narrator, I’m not really. Especially then – I don’t really know how that is called “light”. Then I didn’t want to talk to anyone about this trip and I two days paused and thought hard. Worried scared. I had to think about and a big decision to make, make for yourself any conclusions.
– What conclusions did you make?
Once you sign up to be artists, to support, take part in such events, it is a normal course of life. If there are people that can help, gathered together some like-minded team, if there is a need for charity, it should be a part of our everyday life.
– How did you become a Trustee of the Fund “an old Age in pleasure”?
Lisa Arzamasova. Photo: Anna Danilova
– I met with Lisa Oleskina (Director of the Foundation “Starost V radost ‘” – approx. edition) and immediately realized that this is a very my man. In General, a more active, consistent, believe in your idea, really I don’t know. This is the case when interest in the case grows out of the interest to the person. In Lisa it is impossible not to fall in love, it inspires and raises the cause of all, who even thinks about charity, predisposed to, it is impossible for her not to go. Seeing her absolute confidence in what she’s doing, I really believed and understood that with her you will not be afraid to plunge into this topic.
By coincidence, it happened in that period of life when I was ready for this, because before I met with the Directors of charities, but have never felt the strength to become a Trustee.
What has changed, how have you identified these forces?
– Life goes on, in it there are different events, large and small, important and unimportant, and at some point comes the realization that it’s time to give. Probably, at my age, this might sound ridiculous, but my time to give, however, it came.
I very early came to the profession. I had a lot of interesting meetings with amazing people who became my friends or good acquaintances. Was different interesting projects – television, theatre, cinema, travel. And at some point I felt that fate had been so generous to me, and I feel like I’m just the consumer beautiful life, vivid emotions, all the good that’s happening to me.
The vessel’s consumption at some point becomes full, it begins to spill over these events, and you just don’t get it, do you stop to appreciate, and the time comes to give.
If you give your friends and relatives, it turns a little bit, too, because you’re happiest when your family and friends happy, healthy and happy. And I (as I think many) feel happy, giving a completely unknown to a pore man. This is such an interesting, history is very important because, I think, if you do not give, then your life cannot be complete.
Grandma from the nursing home believes that with her business better than anyone
– How was your first trip to a nursing home?
– I was very worried that it is absolutely normal when a person goes to a place like this for the first time. I was afraid that the concentration of disease and old age, this place will make me feel and behave not as I’d like. But it was completely different. I think I understand all of the volunteers and staff of our Foundation – when we come to visit grandparents in nursing homes, there is a wonderful exchange of energy, all each other give and get.
These amazing people have lived a long life, accumulated a lot of knowledge, emotional experience. They lost a lot in his life, had a lot to think about and concluded that it was time to share. These visits are very important, emotionally important events, this is goosebumps.
I’m always happy to tell a story that happened to me with my friends in one of our trips, it’s such a sketch, that’s life. We went to an elderly woman, no, correct to say – to a very old man. Her 95 years, she didn’t look good, I wasn’t feeling well, vision is almost there. On this day I was upset, lost in their feelings, the mood was so-so. Came into the room.
“Hello, my name is Lisa”. – “Hello, I’m Anna”. – “Anna, how are you doing?” And suddenly Anna said, “the best.” She said, a little assuming, trying to stay confident, even a little smile. And we continued the conversation. I took her hand and said, “Anna, interesting thing, I’m going to save you, I went to you, waste your precious time, two hours on the road, driving to give you your good spirits, happy to chat with you, and that you saved me with his answer: “best””.
He puts a little in place, and we, the young, of course, you need to strive to possess this rod, which have many people living in nursing homes.
– You know – they like that, it came to the actress?
Oh, it’s not always important, almost unimportant. Even if they know they are not happy more than any volunteer who comes to them. I would even say, more often learn nurses and staff of nursing homes, they also want a holiday, they have a very difficult job. Of course, we socialize, enjoy each other. Grandma’s just happy music, contact, arms. I am very glad in such trips give not as an actress, Lisa Arzamasova, people and Lisa Arzamasova.
I love when to me my friends are coming, actors, musicians. In General, it is not very important how well you are able to play on some instrument or to sing. Most importantly – your mood, your kind impulse. Rodion Gazmanov, my friend, the man who for more than a year goes with me on these trips (he also became a Trustee of the Fund “an old Age in pleasure”), carries with him the equipment, your group, and we’re throwing an impromptu concert, where it is technically possible, where there is a hall or large room where they can gather and grandparents.
With Rodion Gazmanov. Photo:
– What are you singing?
– Rodion sings songs from his repertoire, singing songs, favorite grandparents. Always on bis is very good “Oh, the path-the path of the front”. Grandparents not only sing along (of course, they know the words to this song very well), they almost scream:
Eh, path-track, front,
We are not afraid of any bombing,
We die early,
We also have a home business.
So in this enthusiasm, this love for life such a joy today, is the desire to be part of this festival, which is happening today. This song is about them, about their spirits, about their attitude: “This is my day and I’ll be happy here today. I’m going to sing this song the loudest, the best.” Of course, not all grandparents are able to support this celebration, many do stay in their rooms, because they can not in the right condition to be at a concert, and then we go to them. Still, this enthusiasm, this inner core, absolute readiness for celebration and joy today they felt.
I read poetry. Sometimes, even the artists join: someone also sings, someone plays a musical instrument. I always read poems about love. In every home. About love me grandmother talk a lot. At least 80, at least 90 years, and for many it is about love want to talk.
It turns out that at the end of life all the material the shuck, the most important point: the feelings you have experienced.
Perhaps that is why they are so sensitive to love poems respond. I always start with the lines “everything starts with love” by Robert Rozhdestvensky. And nursery rhymes are read. Older people so they rejoice, laughing as children. That’s no wonder my grandmother says: “Old, how small”. Agniyu Barto listening with great pleasure.
– Who and how have you been able to “infect” a charity? You now regularly travels Rodion Gazmanov, who else?
– Rodion now not only regularly rides, but recently also became a Trustee of the Fund. I’m very proud of what he’s doing. It’s not only the great gig in the nursing homes, it was only later after the concert, a hike through the wards to all bedridden grandparents who cannot come to the concert for health reasons.
To us periodically join artists: Inna Zvenyatskaya – a soloist of “Helikon-Opera”. It both Opera and Lieder singing, and is still so booming and infectious laugh that all of space is filled with joy. Thank you beautiful Dawn, I found time to travel with us in your busy schedule. She mentally worked the concert, so tenderly and sensitively with all talked, then one’s attention is cheated, all of whom should be listened to, who should be embraced.
Dima Nesterov – catchy and playful. The sound of the song “I’m 18 again” we both grandparents lit for the New year, if it is exactly 18. Sati Casanova traveled on March 8 in a faraway house, where only 50 people live, so she had there and joke, and sing, and a very serious philosophical topics to communicate. Join dramatic actors. Only with graphics at all hard. It is difficult to match in time. And often the first time my colleagues want me to go, and I really understand them, because I remember my first time, but then next to me was Lisa Oleskina.
– Are there any wards with whom you communicate constantly, one more often?
– Probably, this is the usual human story, when you’re isolated in a new company in a new place, where people come to visit. It’s not very good, I try to keep inner balance, to love all and embrace all. Of course, especially when I go back to those houses in which he had already visited, there is a favorite, beautiful. In General, everyone’s favorite. There is, for example, I have a favorite woman Kate, bad girl is beautiful.
She says: “there is no Love, girls.” I said, “Baba Katya, as there is no love, are you? Can’t be that.” “No love”. She misbehaves, we indignantly starting to ask why she thinks so. Baba Katya says that there is no love, there is compassion, that is, a feeling she calls the pity. “My husband felt sorry for me,” she says.
Very interesting this generation speaks of love, is a funny, tragic, love for children, love for parents, in the second half. Incidentally, there are such amazing stories, when people find each other in the nursing home in this quite serious age and decide to live together and support each other, and move on, holding hands.
You know, they’re talking only about love. It turns out that all this husk material later disappears.
– Probably, the people who were in a nursing home, often had to go through a big life disappointment?
In every person’s life has happened or will happen, disappointment is inevitable. I know different stories of falling in a nursing home, and it is not always a consequence of frustration in their loved ones, not always the person is in a nursing home just because unlucky indifferent children there turned him in. Sometimes it is a conscious choice of an elderly person – he is survived his children, no grandchildren or so that they can’t be together. Then it can be a good way out.
When you’re responsible for an entire organization, the silence ends
– What are the Fund’s priorities?
– In General, says Lisa Oleskina, I’d like to have Foundation work left. So one day we sat down together with the staff of the Fund and bored.
– Can this be? Knowing your Lysine and character, I think that you have necessarily in the process there are still 254.
– Things we always find. But I would like to abandoned, lonely elderly people become less. So I’m always talking with their peers or with younger guys, trying to get through to them say that they loved their relatives and grandparents. I think we need in early childhood to teach children in the family to respect their elders, to accustom them to the fact that the gap in age and life experience, which exists between children and grandparents is not something that should be separated.
For me it’s always that link between generations was very important, it was interesting to me. A paradox: that which divides us is the difference in life experience and age should cause us to want to spend more time in conversation, sharing his experiences and discoveries with the other hand.
And Affairs of the Fund are still very many, thank God, runs many humanitarian programs. I am very proud of all the employees of the Foundation are volunteers, they do a great job.
Fund, as far as I know, is now branching out and will deal not only with nursing homes?
– While this is a pilot program, it only begins its work in several regions. We are talking about the elderly who found themselves in difficult situations, but physically are not in a nursing home (and can live at home). This project is very closely involved in the lease, and I support her in all her endeavors. I think she is very correct, unblinkered eyes looking at this problem.
Don’t know whether the effect of age, or just this wide-open attitude to life, sometimes Lisa does not see those obstacles that others see. For example, to achieve some tasks we have to do ten difficult steps, and someone will stop at the first, because the road is not beaten or trodden by many, but ran into a wall, and way out there. Lisa got it working, turns out – apparently because of her sincere effort to change things for the better.
Perhaps people with a great desire and with great enthusiasm will connect to the activities of the Fund, if looking at an older lonely man with the disease (inevitable when you are over 90 years), with sorrows, with extinct eyes, see yourself in it. Then look at this situation, in principle, it will change, because, says Lisa, indeed, in these houses.
Elizabeth of Alesina and Lisa Arzamasova. Photo: Olga Vorobyeva /
These are the same people as we are, some of them held in his profession, who was a most beloved family, who lived and knew no material worries, were always love, surrounded by friends and comrades. And then life happened, something happened, something cataclysmic or chain of events. If we are all very lucky, we too, once we in this advanced age, and I feel that our age was worthy.
– What do you think about the widespread opinion of “good deeds should be done quietly”?
– I partly agree with this statement. I agree with the moral and ethical side when it comes to your personal help grandma in the neighborhood or if you have the opportunity to help a nursing home or orphanage. But when you’re responsible for an entire organization, the silence ends. To move such a huge amount alone. The Fund has 170 homes in 25 regions of the country. This figure is constantly growing. The growing responsibility and costs. “Quiet” I can help one little house and then I will need the help of friends. While collecting 30,000 gifts to the grandparents in the New year, for example, you may only be throwing a cry to all friends of the Foundation.
– Do you consider yourself a grandma, seriously thinking about retirement and what picture you paint in your mind?
– I think that at my age, few people think about old age, and that’s fine. If I’m lucky enough to live to a ripe old age, I would like to be loved, I would like to be next to someone dear, who would not think that tomorrow to me – too much, who would fight for each new day of my life and would like me to as long as possible was next.
Lisa Arzamasova. Photo: Anna Danilova
– You played in the films by children from orphanages, deprived of parental love. What has helped you this situation to understand?
– In the film “our children” I played a girl from the correctional orphanage, and we were shooting in this correctional orphanage, I talked a lot with the guys who live there. For me was the revelation that there are such stories, when children are left without parents, without love, without friends, without relatives. It was a very important experience for me, but I wonder what I came out with a positive conclusion.
Especially when I compare those experiences with the experience of the day, with experience in Fund “an old Age in pleasure”, I’d like to think that the children living in orphanages (perhaps not, but I want to believe), there’s always a chance to pull myself together and at the last moment say to yourself: “Hey, Wake up, you’re here, you have the advantage of youth, strength, some predictable number tomorrow, and it’s all in your hands. In your hands to make your life bright and happy, to make their children happy, to raise them in a loving complete family.”
Many funds help children, and that’s fine. Adults help children with various diseases who are in difficult life situations, I myself support such funds.
But the old man, it turns out, useless: when you lose an external attractiveness, power, youth, you become less interesting to people who are younger than you.
It’s not fair, why? We too, once we at this age, if we’re lucky. Now we’re, young, live in today, we have our own worldly plans – workers, family. But in nursing homes I often meet people who have a long time there’s no plans. This is absolutely wrong. People in 95 years has the right to have plans to Wake up tomorrow, eat Breakfast, pet the cat, get some fresh air, go outside…
And to attend the concert, which will organize Fund “an old Age in pleasure”.
It is important that such things were practiced not only by the Fund. I always urge people: “It’s easy to find out, maybe the nursing home is very near to your house. Take your time, come and see me, for a man it will be a huge event, it’s so important.”
I am happy when volunteers come to visit the grandparents are not on holidays, but just. And they know: “Oh, this boy – they don’t remember his name, because of his age, but know in person – it was on my New year, and now he just came, how glad I am to see him. So he thinks about me, so, I need, I’m not one, I have guests. Wow, cool!”
– It happens that the person you are trying to attract to the activities of the Fund, says: “Only in a nursing home I don’t go, can I do something, but not there?”
– First, we are always grateful for any help, we would welcome any support. The trip to the nursing home is one of variants how you can help the Foundation, and a good example of that not always the material goes ahead. You can spend your time, your day, half day, share your mood, to hug. Yes, for some it’s harder. And for someone it is more expensive than material assistance. Sometimes it happens that the man, realizing that he is not ready for such a trip is still coming from myself. Of course, I understand that not everyone can control themselves and their emotions, and if they feel that while such visits are not ready, I accept their position. I am very glad that there is an alternative, and on the Foundation’s website always has a list of various help options.
Love to smile and make the wrong things regularly
– You usually say that you had a very happy childhood. Remember the most poignant moment of such happiness?
– I define my childhood as one big happiness, it’s true. It is a joy that parents returned from work, happy that I woke up and the weather is good at the cottage, and I went to cook food for the aliens, because they’re gonna be here, most likely. In my life in General happened such amazing luck, I was so generously awarded the child the parental love, care that I remember with great gratitude all his childhood as happy one day.
– And when you grew up?
Liza Arzamasova in the TV series “Daddy’s girls”
– I still don’t feel completely adult. I think I sometimes infantile, sometimes act childish, inattentive, absent-minded – in all this I recognize in a child. This is surprising, because in my life there was another time when I feel truly adult, although the age is not assumed. When I was eight years old, passed away my dad, I grew up very sharply. I remember going in the shower, I remember how I was talking, gave some guidance to the future, to explain himself.
– In such a situation, a child can do to support?
Love the people who stuck around, if that was possible. The love of a man who left.
Remains always?
– Yes, Yes.
– Do you believe in life after death?
– I believe in God.
– How much time should pass after the filming of the movie with your participation, so you can see it?
– The farther, the worse. Because I still look at myself and can’t separate a character by itself. I can’t abstractly to watch a movie with your participation, unfortunately, no matter how I tried. And all the scenes before and after me, touching me incredibly, I’m totally involved, forgetting that I’m aware of all the details of the shooting process that they are my friends and comrades in the frame. And the watch difficult. And more and more difficult to look at myself because every year you have more and more experience, one way or another, you change. Do you think that what you did yesterday, now you would have done differently, and there is always the desire to elaborate: “now to retake this point, I can see how it could be done”.
There are films, there are performances that I remember with great love, if they stayed somewhere in the past, but to me all the time to watch as something strange.
– When you invite friends to the theater, worried a hundred times more. Also your words. How do you on the scene manage to get out? Keep telling myself: “Come on, Lisa, you can”?
– Something like this happens (laughs). Shaking before each exit, shaking, self-destruct, die from all complexes at once and somehow coming. Perhaps this is a strange profession. Something she’s doing that with people inhuman. But I still have a lot of time ahead to sort it out.
– Did you communicate with children from orphanages, can you imagine yourself a foster mom?
– Of course, kids talked often. For the first time when he was starring in the movie “the children”. I was 10 years old. And some of the scenes we shot in a correctional orphanage. I then happened poignant opening: have children, in which there are no adults in family no. It was very sad to tears. And very scary. Now often in homes for the elderly and disabled meet people who for health reasons from the orphanage immediately get into a boarding school. And many of them amaze me with their fortitude and grace.
Can I submit a foster mother? I do not know. I have not yet thought about the children and how I will be able to grow and educate. On this question, I would say later in a few years.
– Do you really not dream about the specific role of that specific character? Why?
– To dream in a profession in which there is nothing to plan – destructively. In my childhood I saw a lot of actors who dream that the soul itself had consumed my dreams. When people ask me, dreamy? – I can answer that – Yes, but it is abstract.
I can stand still in space, something they themselves joke, “cartoon” of the wonderful adventures and events, but it’s more “no reason”. I would like to do in the profession is something significant, if you’re lucky. Otherwise probably, like all creative people, remains a sense of understatement.
– How do you have so much feminity and charm? It’s grandma, mom, someone else, who taught you this?
– Thanks for the compliment. It’s a compliment? If I really have and femininity and charm, I’m very glad. I don’t think grandmothers and mothers teach, rather pass on the genetic level.
– You are very right. As your character from “Daddy’s daughters”. Clothing modest, words in an interview with bright even at a distance from your smile in the photos is warm. Have you ever in your life, something wrong was done? What?
– But that’s not a compliment (laughs). I’m not right, of course. I’m restrained. Clothing my not always humble, and often defiant, mood. Words in an interview, of course they do, as I know from childhood, what is – an echo from an awkward interview, and how it then you itself and sometimes gets hurt. Just love to smile more than cry. And wrong actions make regularly, but they are part of my personal life and personal space, which I would prefer to keep for themselves and not for public viewing and discussion. Of course, I understand that your infinite peace cannot be firmly guard, and sooner or later it someone will invade, but while I may quietly pohuliganit on-site.
– What is life introvert, chose one of the most public professions? I never thought it vain to become an actress?
Lisa Arzamasova. Photo: Anna Danilova
– I think a healthy reflection is present in the life of any person of any profession. I don’t think introverts way on stage or in the cinema closed. In my environment a lot of introverts who show themselves on stage differently.
– What manifested to you?
– Some hooliganism, do you allow yourself on stage what in life ever does something bizarre, some kind of fantasy. Freedom is absolute. Often I, of course, about some of these things worried that something did not work, did not work. For a very long time thinking about that, go, think, share with no one, off to remember him within themselves and then go on the same scene in the same play. On stage I am fully aware that I was without it would be bad, because I can not live without it. I feel good here and now, comfortable, I feel in this space feel harmonious.
But how to combine this constant commitment with the closeness inherent in introverts?
I don’t tell personal, perhaps that is the secret. Or rather, I’m talking about a personal like behind the shield of text and character, I’m perfectly safe. I peek out and wink at those who know what I’m talking about. But, in principle, everything here was not written by me. It’s not me, it’s like, but I’m talking about her, that bothers me, that hurts, that makes me happy. Just for such a protective shell.
– You graduated from high school with advanced French. What is the French expression you repeat to yourself often and would like to share it with the world?
– Oh! Several of them. Choose any:
Salut, C’est encore moi. Hi, it’s me again.
Un amour, une vie. One love, one life.
Croire a son etoile. Believe in your star.
Ma vie, mes regles. My life, my rules.
– How would you describe yourself in three words? Name three adjectives who Liza Arzamasova?
– This. It is important for those who will read or watch this interview and you look up, and I will be there to pass. Strong – I’d like myself to think, I hope, the way it is. Funny.
Lisa Arzamasova. Photo: Anna Danilova
Video: Ivan Neklyudov
Mounting: Igor Davydov
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