21 June 2018, in the Pskov diocesan management of the Metropolitan of Pskov and Porkhov Tikhon held a meeting with provincial clergy and widows of clergy in the diocese of Pskov, the website of the Pskov Diocesan Management.
The meeting was attended by the Bishop of Gdov, Thomas, vicar of the Pskov diocese, the rural Dean of churches of the city of Pskov, Archpriest Andrey Vakhrushev.
Guests of the meeting were Archpriest Alexander Mikhailov, Archpriest Pyotr Koltsov, Archpriest Nikolai Mashkov, as well as widows of priests mother Lidia Malyk, Vera M. Adelgeim, Lyubov Alexandrova, Maria Borisovna Genocide, angelina Aleksandrovna Ulkina, Hope M. Komkova, Elena Nikolaevna Lopukhina.
The meeting lasted about two hours.